UNCLASSIFIED Life Cycle Logistics Functional IPT Charter
UNCLASSIFIED Acquisition Positions Title 10 USC Sec 1721 All Acquisition Positions require management attention Critical Acquisition Positions are those positions critical to the success of the program Key Leadership Positions are a subset of Critical Acquisition Positions OSD Designated Product Support Manager as a Key Leadership Position 2
UNCLASSIFIED Acquisition Career Field Functional Leaders DoD Functional Leaders appointed by USD(AT&L) Functional Leaders are the senior DoD official with oversight and management of the career field Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) appointed Life Cycle Logistics Functional Leader Key responsibility is development of the acquisition workforce 3 “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through an argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” ~ GEN Colin Powell
UNCLASSIFIED Life Cycle Logisticians and Product Support Managers Title 10 USC 2337 Cross-Functional Product Support focus for optimizing readiness/availability and O&S cost Plan and deliver Integrated Product Support Elements Advisor to the Project Manager to ensure affordable readiness Major Tasks of a PSM: Develop and implement the product support strategy; Conduct appropriate cost analyses to validate the product support strategy; Develop and implement appropriate product support arrangements; Conduct reviews with PSIs and PSPs and adjust performance requirements and resource allocations as necessary; Prior to each change in the product support strategy or every five years, whichever occurs first, revalidate any business-case analysis 4
UNCLASSIFIED Role of the FIPT Ensure standardized concept of operations for developing the Life Cycle Logistician and Product Support Manager across the Services and Components Provide relationship between training and career management Identify/manage required competencies and align to career roadmap Major Tasks: Career Field Position Category Description; Career Field Certification Standards; DAU curriculum functional content currency; DAU Continuous Learning Module requirements and development; 5
UNCLASSIFIED Expected Outcome Define and validate the Life Cycle Logistics functional and core competencies and DAWIA certification requirements 6
UNCLASSIFIED Measures of Effectiveness Annual reviews are held to ensure: The Career Field PCD is current with the latest policy/legislation The Career Field Certification/Certification Renewal Standards reflect the LCL competencies. The LCL DAU Curriculum functional content is current with policy/legislation. The LCL DAU Continuous Learning Module Requirements and Development plans reflect the LCL competencies. The LCL DAWIA certification requirements for the next fiscal year are decided by May of each year in order to plan and budget accordingly. The Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund (DAWDF) proposals for LCL topics are considered within submission timelines. The LCL Career Field FL Annual Certification memorandum is signed. The LCL Career Field Acquisition Workforce Qualification Initiative (AWQI) task lists reflect the current LCL competencies. Annual recommendations/requirements on Continuous Learning units for LCL Key Leadership Position (KLP) and KLP-qualified personnel are established. 7
UNCLASSIFIED Major Changes from Current Charter Reworked Goals and Products/Deliverables into Expected Outcomes and Measures of Effectiveness Restricted FIPT Membership to Life Cycle Logistics functional representatives and DAU Included additional attendees (not voting members) Aligned the Strategic Focus Areas to Measures of Expected Outcome and Measures of Effectiveness 8
UNCLASSIFIED Discussion/Questions 9
UNCLASSIFIED Recommendation: Accept the Charter as revised 10