Maintaining Excellence We’re Great by Choice
2 Where are we headed and how do we get there?? We choose to be great individually and collectively
How do we maintain our unique Culture and Unparalleled Outcomes? How do we maintain and improve what we already have? How do we keep each other accountable to excellence We realized (yes we are a little slow) that Airrosti has more opportunity right now than ever before…so we freaked out a bit:/ This opportunity could allow everyone in the company to do things they never dreamed of, or this opportunity could lead us down the road of the comparison groups We read the book Great by Choice and a light bulb went off The only way to keep this company Amazing is if everyone is on the same page and pulling the same direction. Everyone in this room is or will be a leader to future and current Airrostifarians. 3
Characteristics of a Level 5 Leader
Definition: A Level 5 Leader exhibits a powerful combination of Personal Humility and Professional Will Personal Humility – Modest – Selfless – Window and the mirror – Ambition for the company Professional Will – Inspired Standards, Lead by Example – Fanatically driven – Workmanlike diligence 5
Level 5 Leader 6 Level 5 Leaders embody all 5 levels of Executive Capabilities Level 1 – Highly Capable Individual Level 2 – Contributing Team Member Level 3 – Competent Manager Level 4 – Effective Leader Level 5 – Level 5 Executive
7 Personal Humility – Characteristics: Displays a compelling modesty, are self-effacing and understated, reserved, shy. They are ordinary people producing extraordinary results! – First who, then what. They wanted the best people around them instead of following the Genius and 1000 helpers model. – Set up successors for even greater success
8 Personal Humility cont. – Ambitious first and foremost for the company – not themselves. They channel their ego away from themselves and towards something bigger. – Window and the mirror – they point out the window to people and factors other than themselves to give credit for success. When confronted with failures, they look in the mirror and say “I am responsible”
Professional Will – They inspire others through inspired standards – excellence, hard work, sacrifice and integrity – not with an inspired public persona. They were able to create a culture of discipline due to their example, they didn’t discipline others through sheer force. – Fanatically driven - they are ferociously resolved to do whatever it takes to make the company great no matter how big or hard the decision. They have an incurable need to produce results. 9 OW!
Professional Will cont. – Workmanlike diligence – more plow horse than work horse – they display and ever improving track record of making level 5 decisions – decisions which prove best for the long-term greatness of the company and its work. – A level 5 Team Member does not blindly follow orders, but strives to build their own arena to be the best in the world! 10 Bam!