Towards comparisons between TFluka and TGeant3 ( within CbmRoot Framework) Denis Bertini (IT-GSI) Antonin Maire (IPHC Strasbourg)


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Presentation transcript:

Towards comparisons between TFluka and TGeant3 ( within CbmRoot Framework) Denis Bertini (IT-GSI) Antonin Maire (IPHC Strasbourg)

Muon Collaboration Meeting 2 Outline CbmRoot ( Simulation and Analysis framework) –Virtual Monte Carlo ( ROOT release 5.12 ) –TGeant3 ( version 2005 ) –TFluka (v4-04-Rev05, using Fluka version ) Fluka/G3 MCStack structure Comparisons –mediums (10) cm ( Xo = 1.76 cm, λi = 16.7 cm) ( 30) cm ( Xo = 18.8 cm, λi = 38.1 cm ) (1-3 GeV) ( 5 GeV) –Beam particles: 5000 –Secondaries : Ethres.= 50 KeV Summary

Muon Collaboration Meeting 3 Virtual Monte Carlo (VMC) User Code VMC Virtual Geometrical Modeller G3 G3 transport G4 transport G4 FLUKA transport FLUKA Geometrical Modeller Reconstruction Visualisation

Muon Collaboration Meeting 4 What is Fluka? FLUKA Particle Transport Monte Carlo Code –Has evolved since long into a mature system. –Evolution based on thorough physics validation. –Almost unique capabilities for simulating hadronic interactions including low-energy neutron transport Its state of the art physics capabilities comprise –Hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and gamma-nucleus interactions 0-10^4 TeV –Nucleus-nucleus interactions 0-10^4 TeV/n (RQMD, DPMJETIII) –Electromagnetic and µ interactions 1 keV-10^4 TeV –Neutrino interactions and nucleon decays FLUKA has proven capabilities in: –Accelerator design and shielding (standard tool at CERN for beam-machine and Radioprotection studies –Dosimetry and hadro-therapy –Space radiation and cosmic ray showers in the atmosphere (Support by NASA, “de facto” standard tool for all aircraft dosimetry studies in Europe)

Muon Collaboration Meeting 5 Interface to FLUKA: Geometry and Navigation TFluka TVirtualMC TFlukaMCGeometry TFluka TGeoMCGeometry idnrwr g1wr g1rtwr conhwr inihwr jomiwr lkdbwr lkfxwr lkmgwr lkwr nrmlwr rgrpwr isvhwr magfld FLUKA TGeo (1) Geometry Definition (2) Navigation User Application Interface implemented by A. Gheata

Muon Collaboration Meeting 6 Interface to FLUKA: Physics Configuration TFluka TVirtualMC TFluka TFlukaScoringOption TFluka TFlukaConfigOption FLUKA Text Input TFlukaCerenkov User Application Generated from C++ Macros

Muon Collaboration Meeting 7 TGeo -> Fluka input file ************* MATERIALS ********************** * MATERIAL e HYDROGEN MATERIAL e CARBON MATERIAL e FLUORINE MATERIAL e ALUMINUM MATERIAL e SILICON MATERIAL e IRON MATERIAL e GOLD MATERIAL 3.750e AIR COMPOUND AIR ********************* TGEO MATERIAL ASSIGNMENTS ********************* * * * Assigning material: air to Volume: cave ASSIGNMAT * Assigning material: carbon to Volume: pipe1 ASSIGNMAT * Assigning material: vacuum to Volume: pipevac1 ASSIGNMAT //--- define some materials TGeoMaterial *matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0,0,0) TGeoMaterial *matAl = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7); //--- define some media TGeoMedium *Vacuum = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1, matVacuum) TGeoMedium *Al = new TGeoMedium("Root Material",2, matAl); // Define the geometry using TGeo Class TGeoVolume *cave = geom->MakeBox("cave", Vacuum, 25., 25., 5.); cave->SetVisibility(kFALSE); TGeoVolume *pipe = geom->MakeBox("pipe", Al, 5., 20., 5.) pipe->SetLineColor(kBlue); Top->AddNode(pipe, 1, cave); TGeoVolume *pipe_vac = geom->MakeBox("pipe_vac", Al, 17.5, 5., 5.); pipe_vac->SetLineColor(kBlue); Top->AddNode(pipe_vac, 1, pipe); ROOT Macro to Define Materials and Geometry

Muon Collaboration Meeting 8 Physics config. input file void Config() { // Set Random Number seed gRandom->SetSeed(12345); TFluka * gMC = new TFluka("C++ Interface to Fluka", 0); // Physics process control gMC->SetProcess("DCAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("PAIR",1); gMC->SetProcess("COMP",1); gMC->SetProcess("PHOT",1); gMC->SetProcess("PFIS",0); gMC->SetProcess("DRAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("ANNI",1); gMC->SetProcess("BREM",1); gMC->SetProcess("MUNU",1); gMC->SetProcess("CKOV",1); gMC->SetProcess("HADR",1); gMC->SetProcess("LOSS",2); gMC->SetProcess("MULS",1); gMC->SetProcess("RAYL",1); Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1MeV cut by default Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; gMC->SetCut("CUTGAM", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTELE", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTNEU", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTHAD", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTMUO", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("PPCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("TOFMAX", tofmax); ROOT Macro for Fluka Physics process control *Global process and cut settings * * --- DCAY --- Decays. Flag = 1 * Decays are on by default * * --- PAIR --- Pair production by gammas, muons and hadrons. Flag = 1, PPCUTM = 0.001, PPCUTE = EMFCUT PHOT-THR * * +++ BREM --- Bremsstrahlung by muons/hadrons. Flag = -1, BCUTM = PAIRBREM * * --- COMP --- Compton scattering Flag = 1 EMFCUT PHOT-THR * * --- PHOT --- Photoelectric effect. Flag = 1 EMFCUT PHOT-THR * * --- PFIS --- Photonuclear interaction Flag = 0 PHOTONUC * * --- ANNI --- Positron annihilation. Flag = 1 EMFCUT ANNH-THR * * --- MUNU --- Muon nuclear interaction. Flag = 1 MUPHOTON * * --- HADR --- Hadronic interactions. Flag = 1 * *Hadronic interaction is ON by default in FLUKA * * --- MULS --- Muliple Scattering. Flag = 1 * *Multiple scattering is ON by default in FLUKA * * --- RAYL --- Rayleigh Scattering. Flag = 1 * Fluka input file

Muon Collaboration Meeting 9 G3/FLUKA: Differences in Stepping Behaviour Sensitive Volume 1 2 Geant 3 1: entering (Id1) 1: exiting (Id1) 2: entering (Id2) 2: exiting (Id2) Fluka 1: entering (Id1) 1: disappeared (Id1) 2: entering (Id2) 2: exiting (Id2) 1: entering (Id3) 1: exiting (Id3) 2 Hits: 3 Hits 2 part. in Stack 3 part. in Stack ! G3/Fluka MCStack with different structure ! TrackId1 TrackId3 TrackId2 primary μ redundancy ! Suppressed redundancy

Muon Collaboration Meeting 10 Type of exiting particles for Pion beam (3 GeV) on C (30 cm ) / Iron (10 cm )

Muon Collaboration Meeting 11 Type of exiting particles for Proton beam (5 GeV) on C (30 cm ) & Iron (30 cm )

Muon Collaboration Meeting 12 Pions 3 GeV on Carbon ( 30 cm ) ! x 3

Muon Collaboration Meeting 13 Protons 5 Gev on Carbon (30 cm) ! -20 %! x 2

Muon Collaboration Meeting 14 Protons 5GeV on Iron (10 cm) ! + 20%

Muon Collaboration Meeting 15 Pions 3GeV on Iron (10 cm) ! +10 %

Muon Collaboration Meeting 16 Pions 1 Gev on Iron (10 cm) ! +25 %

Muon Collaboration Meeting 17 Primary Pions 3GeV/c on Iron 10 cm TGeant3

Muon Collaboration Meeting 18 Primary Pions 3GeV/c on Iron 10 cm TFluka ???

Muon Collaboration Meeting 19 Secondary Pions P vs Z vertex ( Pi Beam at 3GeV on 10cm Iron) TFLUKATGEANT3

Muon Collaboration Meeting 20 Summary Use of VMC to compare Fluka& Geant –needs closer collaboration with Fluka team VMC TFluka team To be done –crosscheck with native Fluka –Physics validation with dedicated experimental data sets