Overview of Ion-Ion validation KOI, Tatsumi SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1Geant4 Collaboration workshop
Validation of Ion physics Reaction level validation – Neutron production – (Projectile) Fragment production – Isotope production (Target, Projectile) – Pion production – Often done by developers Integrated Validation – Thick Target Neutron Yield – Shape of Brag Peak – Rate of Singe Event Upset in Space – Often done by users Geant4 Collaboration workshop
Reaction level validation Geant4 Collaboration workshop
Validations of G4QMD (and BC) Double Differential Neutron Production Cross Section Target: Carbon to Lead Projectile: C12 to Ar40 Projectile Energy: 290MeV/n to 600 MeV/n Double Differential Neutron Yield Target: Carbon to Lead Projectile: C12 to Xe132 Projectile Energy: 290MeV/n to 800 MeV/n Charge Changing Cross Section and Fragment Particle Productions – Comparing simulation results to 131 combinations of projectile and target particles Target: Carbon to Lead Projectile: C12 to Fe56 Projectile Energy: 290MeV/n to 10GeV/n – 98% of the results of charge changing cross sections are within 15% error – 84% of the results of charge changing cross sections are within 10% error
Fe 1GeV/n on Al D. M ancusi et al., “Stability of nuclei in peripheral collisions in the JAERI quantum molecular dynamics model” PHYSICAL REVIEW C 79, (2009) Geant4 Collaboration Workshop
Ion-Ion interactions for space environments Ivantchenko A.
Thick Target low energy shielding test – Thick Target Neutron Yield (TTNY); – EXFOR database (CYRIC facility experiment, Tohoku University, Japan); – „Physics list“ test; – Targets Li, Be, C, Al, Ta, W; – Energy MeV, MeV/n; – Reactions (p,n), (d,n), (Ion,n); Ion-Ion targets MeV/n* * – very recent settings in the ESA project G4DNA, - this data are different from Tatsumi data reports (D.Satoh, T.Kurosawa, T.Sato, et.al. „Reevalution of secondary neutron spectra from thick targets...“, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. A, v.582, 2-3, )
9.4beta Be(d,n) 25MeV
9.3ref07 Fe56(Al,n) 400MeV
9.3ref07 Ne20(Al,n) 100MeV
9.3ref07 Ne20(Al,n) 400MeV
Integrated validation Geant4 Collaboration workshop
Forward Angle Spallation M.A. Clemens et al., IEEE TRANS, VOL. 56, 3158 (2009) Geant4 Space Users Workshop Seattle
Geant4 Collaboration workshop
Paola Sala, SATIF10 16 June 2,2010 Data collection and intercomparison in EC projects T.T. Boehlen et al Benchmarking nuclear models of FLUKA and GEANT4 for carbon ion therapy Submitted to Phys. Med. Bio. Charge changing cross sections in water
Validation Below 100MeV/n – Several validations – Lower limit of QMD ?? 100 MeV/n ~ 500 MeV/n – Many validation 500 MeV/n ~ 5 GeV/n – Upper Limit of QMD, BC – A few validations – Data AGS,GSI, DUBNA, MSU 5 GeV/n ~ 50 GeV/n – FTF – Limited number of validations – Data AGS,DUBNA,SPS Beyond 50GeV/n – RHIC, LHC? Geant4 Collaboration workshop
Summary Because of interest from the field of particle therapy, 100MeV/n to 500MeV/n are most validate by both developers and users Below the 100MeV/n, data exist, but not well validated. Lower limit of QMD is not clear. Beyond 5GeV/n, Validation against FTF predictions are required. Compare to two previous presentations, I should admire that organization of this area need to be improve. So I have a lot of hope for the next presentation. Are developers making the validation result done by others reflect in future developments? Geant4 Collaboration workshop