1 SPIRIT Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in Information Technology Engineering Disciplines
2 SPIRIT Civil Engineering Construction Water Urban Environmental Transportation Structural
3 SPIRIT Mechanical Engineering ENERGY. Mechanical engineers are concerned about the mechanics of energy - how it is generated, stored and moved. MANUFACTURING. Mechanical engineers develop the machines that process materials into products. DESIGN MECHANICS. Mechanical engineers are concerned with designing devices used by consumers and industry.
4 SPIRIT Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical engineers generally deal with large-power applications, such as utility and industrial power systems. Electronics engineers deal with low- power systems such as computers and communications.
5 SPIRIT Computer Engineering and Computer Science Both are concerned with hardware and software. Computer engineering has a greater emphasis upon the organization and design of computers themselves. Computer science has an emphasis on computer use and applications.
6 SPIRIT Hardware Software Electronics Computer Science Computer Engineering
7 SPIRIT Chemical Engineering Apply fundamental scientific understanding and engineering principles to industrial, laboratory and molecular processes involving gas, liquid or solid handling, chemical or biological reactions and heat transfer.
8 SPIRIT Industrial Engineering Engineers concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, and energy. Plant design, production, and quality Machines Equipment Labor supply Transportation of raw materials and finished goods AIIE
9 SPIRIT BioX Uses traditional engineering expertise to analyze and solve problems in biology and medicine, providing an overall enhancement of health care. Bioinstrumentation Biomaterials Biomechanics cellular, tissue and genetic engineering clinical engineering, medical imaging orthopaedic surgery, rehabilitation engineering, and systems physiology
10 SPIRIT High School Requirements 4 years of English 4 years of Mathematics 2 years of Algebra 1 year of Geometry 1 year of Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus 3 years of Social Studies 3 years of Natural Sciences 1 year of Physics 1 year of Chemistry 2 years of a Foreign Language Graduate in the top 50% and an ACT of 24
11 SPIRIT Study Habits Required Manage your time profitably utilize every available period make study time quality time don't let reserved study time degenerate into social hours Read the book Go to class Take notes STAY AWAKE!
14 SPIRIT UNL Programs Architectural Engineering Agricultural Engineering Biological Systems Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Construction Management Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering