Unit 12 Small Animal Care
Domestication of Small Animals Dogs domesticated 15,000 years ago First domesticated animal; evolved from wolves Dogs considered companion animals Cats domesticated 4,000 years ago Egyptians depicted them in statues and inscriptions Jupiter Images
Economic Importance 67 percent of U.S. households own pets More than 171 million dogs and cats are pets in U.S.
Dogs Sporting dogs Hounds Working Dogs Terriers Naturally active and alert Hunting instincts Hounds Track by scent or sight Used by hunters and law officials Working Dogs Protect property or livestock Rescue dogs, police dogs Terriers Energetic and feisty Bred to hunt and kill vermin Jupiter Images Jupiter Images
Dogs Toy Breeds Herding Dogs Non-sporting Known for companionship Small, city dogs Minimize shedding Herding Dogs Instinct for herding other animals Control where animals move Very intelligent and easily trained Non-sporting Numerous breeds, diverse characteristics Great companions Jupiter Images Jupiter Images
Cats Loving and playful Independent, self-sufficient Adapt to different surroundings Two categories: Purebred Common house cat Jupiter Images
Rabbits Commercially Hobby Raised for meat, fur and wool, lab research Marketed to grocery stores and restaurants Meat is easily digestible Hobby Kept as pets Can be shown Jupiter Images
Exotic Pets Rare or unusual animal Before purchasing Snake, turtle, hamster, gerbil Not domesticated, just tamed Before purchasing Get familiar, research Can be challenging Check for restrictions and laws where you live Jupiter Images
Care of Small Animals Choosing a pet Routine care Determine what pet is ideal for you Routine care Animal relies on YOU Different animals require different care All animals require basic care Remember cost! Proper facilities/housing Again, each animal requires something different Contact a local Vet for suggestions Jupiter Images Jupiter Images