Section B Culture Shock I. Reading skill Locate the main idea for paragraph 1,2,3,4, and 6 in text B.


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Presentation transcript:

Section B Culture Shock

I. Reading skill Locate the main idea for paragraph 1,2,3,4, and 6 in text B.

II. Summarize the textSummarize the text Make an oral summarization of the main idea by using the following expressions. clash, adjust to a new culture, culture shock, honeymoon, hostility, recovery , adjustment

Part I. (para 1) What is Culture Shock ? Part II. (paras 2—7) How many stages are there of culture shock? What are their features? Part III. (para 8) Can you get benefits from culture shock? What is it?

Part I. Because your views may clash with the different beliefs, norms, values, and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you. This is culture shock. What is Culture Shock ?

1.1 Clash 1. vi. 1. disagree seriously (about sth.) 严重不一致,冲突 The couple clashed on the question of where to spend their holidays. It's a pity that the two lectures clash; I wanted to go to both of them. 2. come together and fight 冲突,交锋,遭遇 Police and demonstrators clashed (=met and fought) in the street. 他们在街上和警察发生了冲突。 Police clashed with demonstrators in the street. Clash with sb on sth. n. 1.serious disagreement; arguing 严重不一致,争论 2.violent contact; fight 抵触,冲突 There is a clash of interests between two parties.

1.2 … you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture... have difficulty (in) doing sth. 我感觉很难适应这门英语课程。 I have some difficulty getting used to the weather here. have difficulty with sth. have a lot of difficulty with the weather here. Note: (1) 以上句型中, difficulty 前可加 some, little, much, a lot of, no, any 修饰 (2) 以上句型中,亦可用 trouble 来代替 difficulty 。 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth.; with sth.

1.3 adjust to a new culture... Adjust: 1) to change something slightly to make it more suitable adjust the clock / the focus of the camera 2) to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think 适应;习惯 ~ to sth/to doing sth ~ (yourself) to sth adjust: 与 adapt 含义很接近,但 adjust 所改变的幅度要小一些,侧重过程,主要 用于调整角度、高度、光点等 He can't adjust (himself) to the busy life in this big city. I adapted my cupboard into a bed.

Part II. (paras 2—7) How many stages are there of culture shock? What are features? 1.Underline the features in each stage. 2. According to the text, what will you do in each stage? 3. How effective are the reactions or the usual defense mechanism?

Part III. Conclusion(para 8) 1. Culture shock will be a very____ experience unless you are going through its four stages. 2. Why? After going through culture, you can learn how to_____, learn a lot about other cultures and learn more about_____.

I. Active Expressions 1. … …because it separates you from those things that could really help you. 2. After you deal with your hostile feelings, recognition of the temporary nature of culture shock begins. (L36) 3. You recover from the symptoms of the first two stages, … (L40) 4. It does not seem like a very helpful experience when you are going through its four stages. (L50) Practice Summary to the Text—Active Expressions

separate … from... (cause things or people to) divide deal with take action on, manage … recover from … return to a normal state from … go through experience

 那男孩是在城里长大的, 所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树。 Brought up in town, the boy finds it difficult to separate a poplar from a willow. 2. 做警察五年,他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。 Being a policeman for five years, he has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations. 3. 患重感冒, 通常要很长时间才能康复。 It usually takes a long time for a person to recover from a bad cold. 4. 在经历了这么多困难后, 她怎么还能这样保持微笑? How can she keep smiling after going through so many sufferings? Translation

1. Because your views may clash with the different beliefs, norms, values, and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you. (L5) Because … (adverbial clause of cause), and traditions that … (attributive clause), you may have difficulty adjusting … (main clause).

因为你的观点可能会与 存在于不同国家的不同 信念、价值观念和传统 发生冲突,在适应一种 新的文化及该文化中你 不熟悉的那些部分时, 你也许会遇到困难。 Translation

2. …you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture…(L7) 在 …… (方面)有困难 have difficulty (in) doing …, have difficulty with sth. 在 …… (方面)没有困难 have no difficulty (in) doing …

would rather 3. You would rather be home alone, and you don’t want to communicate with anybody. (L26) would rather do … than do … 宁愿做 …… 不做 …… would rather sb. did sth. 宁愿某人做某事 Notes to the Text—Focus Study

After learning Video: 1.What do you know about April? 2.How different is her life and learning in Australia compared with that at home in China? 3.Use April’s example / experience to illustrate the different stages of culture shock