4th Sell Meeting May Paola Gargiulo CIBER Report
Consortial organizations CIBER- Coordinamento Interuniversitario Basi dati e Editoria in Rete (26universities) Members are: CASPUR universities (6) + 19 Central-Southern Italian universities Voluntary basis; no legal status,it is administratevely and technically supported by CASPUR. CIBER is about to change its status into a moreformal organization. Negotiations are handled by the coordinator and the secretariat and by ad hoc negotiating committees CILEA – Supercomputing Applications Consortia (11 members + various research institutions Members are: 11 universities from the Northwest of Italy. CILEA acts on behalf of these universities and the same time as a service provider to other Italian universities or research centres which have not joined either CIBER or CIPE CIPE – Coordinamento Italiano Periodici Elettronici (12 universities) It’s a group of universities mainly from Central and Northern East part of Italy. No legal status, the group is well organized, each university is formally committed to the group. The university of Padua acts as an official representative, signs contracts ecc. The contract negotiations are handled by a board (university rapresentatives + consultant) SBBL – a regional based consortia of medical schools and hospitals in Lombardy
News from Italy Some progress towards national negotiations : the CRUI (Council of Rectors of Italian Universities) initiative E-only based contracts are slowly making their way Cultural resistance Lack of coordination in journal subscriptions in large universities Need for more centralization; Procurement procedure and the Italian law VAT issue Increasing the number of institutional repositories have been set up by single universities and by CILEA and by CASPUR sw used Eprints (8 universities) Dspace – University of Parma CDSWare – University of Roma “La Sapienza”, University of Messina CASPUR and CILEA national platform for providing services to institutional OA Usage statistics and usability studies (CASPUR Initiative)
New contracts in 2004 Wiley ( ) interconsortial –CIBER and CILEA Elsevier Science ( ) renewed by CILEA JSTOR for 6 CIBER members Springer to be finalized Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, APS/AIS under negotiations for CIBER ISI Web of Science and JCR ( ) for some CIBER members
2005 CIBER Possible Negotiations Annual reviews BiomedCentral Cell Press journals EIO – Editoria Italiana Online (about a 500 journals published in Italian available electronically through Casalini Digital Platform) Lippincott Kluwer e-books Project Muse Various bibliographic databases with or without ft (ABI/INFORM; INSPEC;IEL (?) Mathsci-net, ZentralBlatt)
Issues Better integrated access and navigation METALIB and SFX are slowly making their way in Italy An Italian company SEBINA made its own “federated search” engine + linking technology- Sebina Open Library A metasearch engine has been devoloped by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Metabids Linking technology used is Serials Solution Article-linker Development and support of Open Access Institutional Archives Open Access journals