Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 12 th October 2007 Department of Public Service and Administration
Outline of presentation Vision and Mission Overview of DPSA Programmes Strategic Outputs for 2006/07 Programme performance 2006/07 HR Performance and indicators Budget allocation and financial performance Concluding remarks
Vision and Mission Vision: Global Leader in Public Service Excellence Mission: 1)Supporting the Minister in leading public service transformation 2)Providing professional advice and support to ensure public service excellence 3)Promoting good governance nationally, on the African continent and globally
DPSA Programmes 1. Administration 2. Integrated Human Resource Management and Development (HRM&D) 3. Management of Compensation (MOC) 4. Information and Technology Management (I&TM) 5. Service Delivery Improvement (SDI) 6. Public Sector Anti-corruption (PSAC) 7. International and African Affairs (IAA) 8. Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) 4
Strategic outputs 2006/07
Programme 1: Administration Leading the Governance and Administration (G&A) Cluster Effective Finance and Security Repositioning of PMD (HR Admin, OD and PM, Employee & LR, EHW & OHS) Consistent Application of Performance Management System Review of Risk Management, controls and governance processes Community Development Workers (CDW) Programme
Programme 2 – HRM&D Strategic repositioning of HRM in the public service Review of the Public Service HRD Strategy HR norms and standards for the Single Public Service Sustainable pools Gender and Equality Strategy Job-Access Disability Strategy Employee Health and Wellness Policy Framework Greater Involvement of People Living with AIDS (GIPA) HR module of the IFMS Human Resource Information System HR Planning Strategic Framework Senior Management Service Review 7
Programme 3 - MOC Management of disputes/legal challenges against the state as employer Advice to cross boundary provinces on personnel matters Conclusion of multi-year wage agreement Implement the remuneration policy Review of SMS remuneration dispensation Develop occupation-specific remuneration dispensations for targeted professionals Implementation of Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-health Retirement (PILIR) Review of current leave dispensation Advice on job evaluation and grading Review of the job evaluation coordination process Evaluation of retirement fund arrangements in PS and LG 8
Programme 4 – I&TM Deployment of e-IGIS (Inventory of Government Information Systems) Evaluate SITA compliance with shareholder compact Ensure high government systems availability Implementation of Open Source policy and strategy Strengthen GITO Council communications Website co-existence strategy Mobile Track and Trace Investigate existing SA government systems architecture Development of a back-end integration framework 9
Programme 5 – SDI Project management of the Single Public Service Policy on public entities Guidance to departments on organisational structures Development of guidelines on staffing norms Implementation of the Access Strategy Cascading Batho Pele to Local Government Development of Service Delivery Improvement Plans Project Khaedu Community Development Worker Programme Support to the DRC: public service census Implementation of research agenda Projects on capacity assessment Learning networks, forums and publications 10
Programme 6 - PSAC Hosting of Africa Forum and Global Forum V on Anti-corruption Anti-corruption strategy for Single Public Service Anti-corruption communication campaign Anti-corruption research Support to DRC: anti-corruption initiatives Assessing the impact of the National Anti- corruption Framework
Programme 7 - IAA India-Brazil-South Africa Trilateral Forum Establish a national chapter of AAPAM Establish a SADC governance forum Bilateral and multi-lateral exchanges
Programme 8 - PME Support to Presidency on Government-wide M&E System Implementation of Public Management Watch
Programme performance 2006/07
Overview The department has delivered on most of its outputs and preparatory work has commenced in other areas In addition to delivering on the outputs the department has implemented projects emanating from the July 2006 Lekgotla.
Programme 2 – HRM&D HR user requirements for IFMS developed A sustainable pools programme for accelerating the development of identified middle managers for promotion to senior management was developed A scarce skills framework was developed The framework was implemented in selected departments, including provincial health departments The draft Health and Wellness policy framework was developed and consulted on at the Health and Wellness Indaba in October 2006 A capacity building workshop on Health and Wellness was conducted and a report completed 90% of departments submitted workplace skills plans
Programme 3 – MOC Personnel Expenditure Review completed and wage policy developed Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) was established with the policy objective of ensuring adequate, efficient, cost effective and equitable healthcare coverage to public service employees An investigation into the public servants dispensation based in foreign countries was conducted and a report was submitted to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in December 2006 A review of the Post Medical Retirement and development of mechanisms to deal with past discriminatory pension practices are in progress PILIR implemented in the public service
Disaster Recovery Plans developed and tested The Track and Trace project was implemented in conjunction with the Department of Home Affairs The Citizen Relations Portal (CRP) is in the design phase Batho Pele e-Gateway portal information available in all official languages Cabinet approved Free Open Source Software (FOSS) in the public service Programme 4 - I&TM
Programme 5 - SDI Since inception of Project Khaedu, 885 SMS members have been trained and over 730 trained officials were deployed to the coalface of service delivery. Department completed capacity assessments in key functional areas of the following departments or sectors: health, education, justice and constitutional development, trade and industry, transport, environmental affairs and tourism, and housing CPSI on behalf of Dept Public Works facilitated the implementation of an EPWP learning exchange
Programme 5 - SDI (cont) The 4th annual CPSI Public Sector Innovation Awards were conferred on the 2nd November 2006 In partnership with the Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management and samdi, the Executive Development Programme in Innovation Management (EDPIM) was conducted for 40 officials from CPSI and the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Batho Pele Change Management Engagement Programme and training was conducted for 116 municipalities An initial draft of the Services and Citizens’ Rights Information booklet was completed in March 2007
Programme 6 - PSAC zThe department, in collaboration with other departments and the Anti-corruption Co- ordinating Committee, developed and distributed guidelines on minimum anti- corruption capacity zDept successfully hosted Africa Forum and Global Forum V on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity
Programme 7 - IAA The DPSA facilitated the establishment of the Governance and Administration working group within the India-Brazil- South Africa (IBSA) trilateral agreement The Africa Innovation Awards were launched in December 2006.
Programme 8: PME The Public Management Watch has been implemented across government Development and publication of the Human Resource Utilisation reports Supported the implementation of the Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation System (GWMES)
Human resource management information 2006/07
Employment As at 31 March 2007, the occupancy rate was 384 (79%) out of 486 posts, compared to the same time last year, which was (77.7%) of 386 posts. The vacancy rate was 21% (102 posts), compared to 22.3% last year
Job evaluation 140 jobs were JE’d this year compared to 70 jobs last year: 41 posts were upgraded and 2 posts were downgraded Balance were newly created posts or the grade was retained The upgrading affected the posts of 26 employees 11 Females; and 15 Males The salaries of 8 employees exceed the grades determined by JE. Four Males and Four Females, 5 Black and 3 White employees. This was done in terms of the Regulations either to attract or retain staff.
Employment changes The annual turnover rate was 22.3% A total of 153 people were appointed and 67 left the department during this period
Employment changes Reasons why employees leave: Resignations (22) Contracts expired (23) Discharged due to ill health (2) Dismissal for misconduct (2) Promotional transfers to other government departments (18)
Employment equity Background: TARGETS AND STATUS AS AT 31 MARCH Target for Women in SMS (48%) – status 47.1% 2007 Target for Blacks in SMS (80%) – status 70.1% 2007 Target for Women on L9-L12 (50%) – status 53% 2007 Target for Blacks on L9 – L12 (73%) – status 81% RACE AND GENDER PROFILE OF 384 FILLED POSTS
Performance rewards 99 (33%) employees received performance awards 91 (30.3%) on levels (2.7%) on Senior Management Service Level
Foreign workers Two employees are foreign workers, one at SMS level and one in MMS
Leave Sick leave 233 employees used 1089 normal sick leave days, within the first year of the 3-year sick leave cycle; 207 days of incapacity leave were taken by 14 employees – all leave supported with medical certificates Capped leave Total of capped leave days were used by 15 employees Leave payout Leave payout for 7 employees, (total R76,583.49) due to operational reasons; Leave payout for 10 people on termination of service (total: R110,187.58)
Employee Health and Wellness SMS member designated to implement Part VI.E of the PSR, Ms Brenda Hendricks, Manager: People Management and Development Qualified practitioner and team promotes an integrated health and wellness programme in the department, Wellness Committee in place Occupational Health and Safety Committee and Wellness Committee in place & holistically deals with occupational health and safety issues Policies are reviewed in line with amendments to PSR Legal frameworks deal with specific measures of discrimination Although the department encourages people to undergo VCT, no records are kept or required M&E part of comprehensive departmental health and wellness policy
Labour relations Misconduct, Discipline and Grievances 6 misconduct cases: 1 – procurement irregularities 1 – insubordination 1 – drunk on duty 1 – false accusations 2 – absenteeism 20 grievances cases were resolved and 2 still unresolved 2 disputes settled and 1 case was dismissed 1 employee was suspended
Skills development Of the 698 skills development interventions identified from the personal development plans of staff, 173 (45%) of the 384 employees received various types of training, 68 Females and 105 Males
Financial statements 2006/07
Examination of 2006/07 baseline allocation Main Cost driversR’000 GEMS75,000 PILIR74,649 APRM25,399 CABeNET14,017 IPSDP20,500 Global Forum V24,000 DRC15,000 Total248,565
Appropriation allocation vs. expenditure Description2006/07 R’ /06 R’000 Increase R’000 Increase % Final Appropriation 442,426187,271255, Actual Expenditure 429,354186,567242, Saving13,072704
Programme Expenditure comparison
Economic classification comparison Description2006/07 R’ /06 R’000 Increase/ (Decrease) % Compensation92,52872, Goods and Services253,214106, Transfers76, , Capital7,4127,942(6.67)
Consultants (Excluding PILIR) Description2006/07 R’ /06 R’000 Good and services178,565106,170 Of which: Consultants 51,53338,868 Consultants as a % of G&S
Local and foreign aid assistance - expenditure Name of Donor2006/07 R’ /06 R’000 United Kingdom7,35513,252 Sweden5,25112,581 Commonwealth-127 GTZ-146 Total12,60626,106 Decrease of %
Departmental Revenue DescriptionActual 2006/07 R’000 Actual 2005/06 R’000 Sale of Goods and Services by department Transfer received8, Sale of Capital Assets200(4) Financial transactions501,076 Total8,9021,463
Concluding Remarks The annual report indicates the major achievements for the 2006/07 financial year Where challenges have been identified, strategies to address them have been put in place As a Department we are growing from strength to strength