Breaking the Code for our Students Lessons learned from the Navajo Code Talkers: helping students make the transition from Culture of Origin to Culture of Institution.
Breaking the Code for our Students Dr. Sherfield’s research indicates Higher Educations key to retention is to help students successfully make the transition from culture of origin to culture of Institution. If a student is not with you a second semester they probably did not make the transition from culture of origin to culture of institution. Every Student has to answer this question when they are looking at your college; “Do people like me go here?”
Breaking the Code for our Students What are to key elements that make up any culture? How well does the key elements of your Intuitional culture match the culture those of the students you serve? If there is a gap what can your institution do differently to close the gap?
Breaking the Code for our Students Samuel F. Sandoval
Breaking the Code for our Students They had to navigate Multiple Cultures ◦ Navajo ◦ Caucasian ◦ Military ◦ Chinese ◦ Japanese ◦ Different culture each campaign(invasions)
Breaking the Code for our Students Language = The Code Talker had to develop a new language within a language only unique to them. ◦ What words do you use that are confusing? * Chinese vs Japanese / Bursar vs Payment ◦ What is the meaning of the words you use and can they be confusing? * ‘Breakfast on the beach’ / Admitted vs Enrolled
Breaking the Code for our Students Ways to send the massage = The Code Talkers had to develop a new way to communicate. * The Code vs the Morris Code * Current Generation vs ????
Breaking the Code for our Students Non-Verbal = The Code Talkers had to adjust their body language and tone of voice. * Hands in the Pockets vs Individual focus * ‘ If I were Chief we would not be in this mess’ vs Using inviting tone of voice that creates a repeat customer.
Breaking the Code for our Students Sherfield’s Research 47% better chance of retaining a student if the student establishes meaningful contact with; ◦ One Faculty ◦ One Student ◦ One Staff member
Breaking the Code for our Students ? ?’s