Use of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data in Nuclear Threat Detection and Other Applications: Hydrology + Neutron Monitor Community Workshop—Honolulu, Hawaii October 24-25, 2015 Paul Goldhagen Physicist National Urban Security Technology Laboratory Science and Technology Directorate
Hydrology Zreda, Desilets, et al., Univ. of Arizona, Sandia Natl. Lab. Measure soil water, snow, biomass using cosmogenic neutrons Previously elusive scale, tens of hectares, 10 – 60 cm deep Same principal as Am-Be soil moisture gauges: water moderates / thermalizes evaporation (MeV) neutrons Use moderated (and bare) neutron detectors to measure rates of 1 – 1000 eV slowing-down neutrons (and thermals) Over 200 probes in use COSMOS network in U.S. (NSF); networks in other countries Thermal-neutron rate depends on soil composition Normalize using neutron monitor rate; best if nearby (U.S.) COSMOS: Cosmic Ray Soil Moisture Observing System Understand spectrum using MCNP6.
Cosmic-ray neutron spectrum Thermal High energy Slowing-down region ~1/E Evaporation
Cosmic-ray neutron surface moisture probe M. Zreda, Third COSMOS workshop, 2012
What is sensed M. Zreda, Third COSMOS workshop, 2012
Hydrology Zreda, Desilets, et al., Univ. of Arizona, Sandia Natl. Lab. Measure soil water, snow, biomass using cosmogenic neutrons Previously elusive scale, tens of hectares, 10 – 60 cm deep Same principal as Am-Be soil moisture gauges: water moderates / thermalizes evaporation (MeV) neutrons Use moderated (and bare) neutron detectors to measure rates of 1 – 1000 eV slowing-down neutrons (and thermals) Over 200 probes in use COSMOS network in U.S. (NSF); networks in other countries Thermal-neutron rate depends on soil composition Normalize using neutron monitor rate; best if nearby (U.S.) COSMOS: Cosmic Ray Soil Moisture Observing System Understand spectrum using MCNP6.
Cosmic-ray probe locations (2012) 2012: 123 probes 2015: >200 probes M. Zreda, Third COSMOS workshop, 2012
Hydrology Zreda, Desilets, et al., Univ. of Arizona, Sandia Natl. Lab. Measure soil water, snow, biomass using cosmogenic neutrons Previously elusive scale, tens of hectares, 10 – 60 cm deep Same principal as Am-Be soil moisture gauges: water moderates / thermalizes evaporation (MeV) neutrons Use moderated (and bare) neutron detectors to measure rates of 1 – 1000 eV slowing-down neutrons (and thermals) Over 200 probes in use COSMOS network in U.S. (NSF); networks in other countries Thermal-neutron rate depends on soil composition Normalize using neutron monitor rate; best if nearby (U.S.) COSMOS: Cosmic Ray Soil Moisture Observing System Understand spectrum using MCNP6.
Another group of other applications of cosmic-ray neutron data
Production of cosmogenic radionuclides Cosmic-ray neutrons create cosmogenic radionuclides in the air and ground Atmospheric tracers (7Be) Geological dating (10Be,14C, 36Cl, …) Background for neutron activation measurements Source terms require knowledge of cosmic-ray neutron spectrum and intensity For shorter half-life nuclides, intensity requires neutron monitor data DS2002 resolution of Hiroshima neutron dosimetry discrepancy Measurements of neutron activation nuclides in Hiroshima samples (36Cl, 60Co, 63Ni, 152Eu) seemed high at large distances. Actually caused by cosmic-ray neutron background.