What does Progressive Mean? Favoring or Implementing Reform (Change)
Progressivism WHO? “Progressives” –urban middle-class: managers & professionals; women WHY? Address the problems arising from: –industrialization ( big business, labor strife) –urbanization (slums, political machines, corruption) –immigration ( ethnic diversity) –inequality & social injustice (women & racism) 1920s1890s WHEN? “Progressive Reform Era”
The Main Idea Progressives focused on three areas of reform: 1.easing the suffering of the urban poor 2. improving unfair and dangerous working conditions 3.reforming government at the national, state, and local levels. Progressivism
Populism to Progressivism Many people believed we were making progressive in improving society, but… Industrialization and urbanization had caused problems in the American society. People could improve society by relying on science and knowledge. Government should fix these problems. But, Government had become corrupted by big business and political machines. To achieve reform, the government itself had to be reformed.
Progressivism and Its Champions Industrialization helped many but also created dangerous working environments and unhealthy living conditions for the urban poor. Progressivism, a wide-ranging reform movement targeting these problems, began in the late 19th century. archives.gov
Growing cities couldn’t provide people necessary services like garbage collection, safe housing, and police and fire protection. Reformers saw this as an opportunity to expand public health services. Reforming Society
So, What Was Going On??