Gandhi and Indian Independence C-5 demonstrate an understanding of concepts Goals: -Continually analyze key events in Indian path to Independence -Assess Gandhi’s leadership qualities and methods
Civil Rights Movement Look at the following pictures from the Civil Rights Movement
Pictures of the Movement What are some observations of the pictures? Why do you think the Civil Rights Movement was effective? Would it have been effective if the protestors took a different approach? –Why or why not?
“The British want us to put the struggle on the plane of machine guns…Our only assurance of beating them is to keep it…where we have the weapons and they have not.” - Gandhi What is meant by this quote from Gandhi?
Mohandas Gandhi Champion of “civil disobedience” or satyagraha
What was going on in India in early 1900’s? Caste system Imperialism - British control Sepoy Mutiny East India Company Cawnpore Massacres - Nana Sahib Textile WWI Rise in Nationalism Broken Promises
Gandhi and Indian Independence What were Gandhi’s Main Goals? What strategies did Gandhi use to attempt to achieve these goals?
What do Gandhi’s goals seem to be? Non-violence Independence from Britain Religious unity (Hindu and Muslim) End to untouchability Achieved through satyagraha (“truth force” / civil disobedience) Ex. refused to buy British goods, attend British schools, pay taxes, vote in elections, etc
Reading Questions 1.What event sparked Gandhi’s movement for equal rights? 2.How was the Salt March an example of civil disobedience? 3.What was the Indian Independence Act? 4.Identify the following people. Jawaharlal Nehru Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Use in a sentence… AMRITSARGENERAL DYERROWLATT ACT Connect these three words in a well- written sentence (or two) that explains their combined significance.
Amritsar Massacre Watch the following scene and answer the questions with your neighbor at the end of the scene.
Picture Analysis
Letter to Lord Irwin Gandhi writes a letter directly to Lord Irwin. The letter has multiple purposes – what are they? Read and Highlight the document.
Consider the message of the song
Knowledge: Underline the most important verse of the song Comprehension: Summarize the main message of the song Application: Identify examples of ways that the Indian Independence Movement might have acted on the song’s message Analysis: Discuss the pros and cons of following such a strategy as promoted by the song Synthesis: Connect the message of the song to other events in history or in your life. Would the advice be effective then? Evaluation: Would you recommend this song as advice to the other Independence groups? Create: Create a slogan for the Indian Independence Movement.
Gandhi Wrap-Up Questions Is non-violent civil disobedience active or passive? Is it courageous or cowardly? When might it not be effective? How powerful is Gandhi? How does his power differ from the usual definition of power?
Review the Overall Impact of Gandhi through MC Yogi
W.W.G.S? (What would Gandhi Say?) Consider what Gandhi would say about modern India. Make a list of POSITIVES and NEGATIVES
Closure From what we know… Write down three of Gandhi’s most successful leadership traits. If you were there – would you have been supportive of Gandhi’s strategy? How would you have differed from his ideas?