BridgeBuilders Case Assignment and Making Initial Contact
The Assignment
Obtain More Information From AFSCME Assigner Take notes Ask questions Names of involved parties Who initiated contact with AFSCME? Who knows what?
Possible Pathways Manager Contact Member Contact
If Manager Contact
Send an Hello Manager Mary, My name is Peece Onerth, I have volunteered to serve as a Bridgebuilder for Party#1 and Party #2. Know that when two parties agree to participate in this process, it CANNOT be under coercion from other staff or management. This will be a confidential process between the parties and no details will be provided to you except to let you know that the process is complete. Please contact me immediately if there has been any discipline initiated in this situation.
It would be helpful if you could answer the following questions: 1. How long has the relationship been strained? 2. Was there a recent triggering event or has it built over time? 3. To what degree is this conflict affecting the rest of the workgroup? 4. Do you believe that the individuals will be receptive to a BridgeBuilder intervention? I look forward to your response and will contact Party 1 and Party 2 soon thereafter. Peece Onerth
If Member Contact
Party #1 Only? Or BOTH Parties? Who Knows What?
Initial Contact Phone
Initial Contact Hello Hatfield, My name is Peece Onerth, and I have volunteered to be your Bridgebuilder. Could you send me some details about the situation so that I can better understand what is happening? I will call you after I receive that information if I have any other questions and to set a meeting date. Thank you for seeking a solution through the Bridgebuilders. Peece Bridgebuilder Introduction
Communicate Clarify
Listen Well Remain Neutral
Contact Member #2 Hello McCoy, I am an AFSCME Bridge Builder which means I am trained to facilitate communication between peers. You have been invited to participate in this process, but are under no pressure to do so. The purpose of the program is to help resolve conflict between co-workers before the situation worsens, so that you both can experience a more pleasant working environment. Your supervisor may or may not be aware of this request, but has will receive no other information regarding the specifics of the case. BridgeBuilder Introduction
(Cont) The Bridge Builder (BB) process works as follows: 1) The parties involved agree to the assistance of a BB. Both parties must be willing to participate. 2) Participants individually contact the BB via and explain the conflict/ confrontation. 3) The three of us will set a date and time to meet and discuss the issues. Several dates for discussion may be needed. Discussion times are usually in minute periods in an agreed upon location. BridgeBuilder Introduction
(Cont) 4) At the start of our discussion we will set boundaries and groundrules to facilitate a productive discussion. Discussion always remains confidential. 5) Each party will have a chance to offer their perspective on the situation. 6) The participants will hopefully come to an agreement or resolution which accomodates all involved. You are currently at step 2. If you can send me an explaining the situation from your perspective, that would be BridgeBuilder Introduction
(Cont) very helpful for me. Background information helps me to prepare for face-to-face conversation when it takes place. Your will be confidential, though it may be referenced in our face-to-face conversation if necessary. Feel free to explain as much or as little as you are comfortable, though the more information, the better. examples are also useful. I look forward to working with both you and your coworker to find a peaceful means to a satisfying end. Peece Onerth BridgeBuilder Introduction
Other Thoughts Dates Set Closer to Future are Best Do not proceed if either party is unwilling Leave management out of the loop whenever possible. The people closest to the problem have the best information. Avoid early judgments and conclusions; assume there is truth in both sides of the story.