Team building Prepared by : MS\ Abeer foad MS\ Fatima Al- sakran Supervised by : Dr \ Nazik zakari
Objectives 1- Recognize the importance of team building in the community health nursing practice 2- Identify the procedure that promote team building 3- Compare between group of people and team 4- Identify role of the team leader 5- Compare each stage of group development in terms of the role of the team leader, team decision making, and documentation and communication 6- Conduct team evaluation
The importance of the team 1- The workload can be spread so that project can move ahead quickly 2- The polling of individual’s expertise is useful and add to the team’s capability 3- Individual within a team can energize, support, acknowledge, and critique (in a positive way) 4-Members bring different perspective to the table and bring more objective assessment of issues and proposed strategies
Characteristics of the teams Their members work together well Their members work together well They choose their own leader They choose their own leader They have a high level of knowledge They have a high level of knowledge
Composition of teams One drawback of self –selected group is that they tend to contain people who have similar characteristics. In contrast, group that have a heterogeneous mix of skills (computer, writing and presentation ), academic performance, previous group experience, and ethnicity, may take more time to make decision yet generally are more productive and creative in the long term than homogenous group
Size of teams Team of four to seven people are the most likely to provide a positive experience for members
Comparison of Group of People and Team Team Group of people -Each member accepts the team goals and for the benefit of the team Each member represents a his own hidden agenda -and may try to get his or her interest at the expense of other
Comparison of group of people and team Team Group of people Each member has a role to play, each knows the role and the contribution to the team Each member is unsure of his or her role Decision are made by consensus ; acceptance of the best for the team Decision are made by vote : acceptance of the best for the most dominant interest group
Comparison of group of people and team Team Group of people Most conflict must be addressed and resolved - the team has an accepted method of resolving conflict. the ability to resolve conflict is a key skill If the interpersonal conflict occur, ignore them because " I won't be on this committee forever " -the group no have method, other than embarrassment, for resolving conflicts
Comparison of group of people and team Team Group of people You must not miss a meeting because you are needed for the success of the team If I miss meeting, so what ? who cares? " we " attitude " I " attitude
Comparison of group of people and team Team Group of people The team dose better than a collection of the individual efforts because all contribute all their skills They accept each other " 2+2=7 All tent to put on a happy face and accept the median or common skills 2+2=3 2+2=3
Four procedures that promote team building 1- Approaches used by the team leader The roles of the team leader Guidance Stimulation Coaching coordinating
Four procedure to promote team building 2- Team decision making Four procedure to promote team building 2- Team decision making The following process is proposed for team decision making : Define the problem Propose solution Analyze the problem Make the decision Revise solution Evaluate the decision
Four procedures that promote team building 3- documentation and communication Documentation is a requirement of professional nursing practice Documentation of all activity [decision, plans for next period, meetings, weekly summary ] Communication through fax, mail,or
4-Self assessment and team evaluation Self assessment It encourages each person to look critically at strengths and challenges and offer them to the group Team evaluation Involves the identification of team accomplishments challenges and ideas for improving effectiveness
Stages of team development FormingStormingPerformingNormingEnding
Forming Forming Forming is the stage when the team first comes together - The task issues are initially vague - People are usually very polite and agreeable - Interpersonal issues in forming wanting to find a place in the group - Getting to know the members and seeking leadership and direction
Storming - This a stage involves a period of tension and conflict Subgroup begin to form based on mutual interests or similarity - Challenge and clash among team
Norming - Norming is stage when emotions have begun to cool down - the team develop way for working together effectively
Performing - Performing is the high point of the project ; the productive stage in which members have taken place to achieve goals
Ending - this is a time for celebration,and closure - optimistic discussion of future challenges can take place
Summary of effective team building action Individual and team evaluation Document- ation and Commu- nication Team decision making Leadership style Stage Initial Initiate team agreement, and weekly summary initial team procedures and tasks for individual members initial team procedures and tasks for individual membersDirectiveForming Evaluate ability to deal with conflict Review procedures Identify differences and use conflict resolution CooperativeStorming
Summary of effective team building action Individual and team evaluation Document- ation andCommu ni-cation Team decision making Leadership style Stage Midproject Clarify purpose Clarify procedure,determine criteria SupportiveNorming Evaluate sharing of roles and functions Monitor Monitor tasks for completion and successfully CollaborativePerforming
Summary of effective team building action Individual and team evaluatio n Document- ation andCommu ni-cation Team decision making Leadership style Stage FinalCommunicat- ion final plans Ensure equitable completion Unfinished business coordinatorEnding