Family Time: Parenting Teenagers making the most of the years
Course Outline 1. A Galaxy Far, Far Away the teenage universe 2. On The Radar Screen teenage communication 3. Built To Last teenage character 4. Boundaries and Battlefields teenage tensions 5. Security, Sex & Substances teenage issues 6. Consumerism, Cash and Cyberspace teenage pressures Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Review of the week Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Setting boundaries Facing conflict Recognising peer pressure Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Bible View “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” Ephesians 6:4 Family Time Parenting Teenagers
1. Set boundaries “As hard as it is, our role must move from controller to consultant” Daniel Hahn Family Time Parenting Teenagers
2. Encourage responsibility Help them to ‘own’ their choices. Family Time Parenting Teenagers
3. Be ready to say ‘no’ Have a united front. “Saying no proves we care, not that we don’t.” Family Time Parenting Teenagers
4. Work out the consequences without realising? by an error? through inexperience? attention seeking? to challenge us? Did they cross the boundary: Family Time Parenting Teenagers
1. Always ask yourself: Is it worth the fight? Keep the guns for the big issues Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Bible View “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn back from it” Proverbs 22:6 Family Time Parenting Teenagers
2. Check yourself before you check them Three of our most common problems as parents are: feeling low feeling tired feeling anxious Family Time Parenting Teenagers
3. Learn how to face conflict; it isn’t always a bad thing “Self-control is something we most need when we least want it!” Three don’ts: don’t overreact don’t jump to conclusions don’t be hurtful Family Time Parenting Teenagers
4. Shouting is just louder, not necessarily more effective! necessary shouting unnecessary shouting Family Time Parenting Teenagers
5. Remember how important it is to say sorry and move on. When was the last time you apologised – or should have apologised – to your teenager? Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Bible View “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged” Colossians 3:21 Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Coping with peer pressure “At the heart of each of us is a need to belong” Paul Tripp Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Book of the Week Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Discussion Groups Family Time Parenting Teenagers
Taking it Further Family Time Parenting Teenagers