12 October 2001, M. LefebvreHEC-Athena Tutorial: HEC beam test primer1 HEC Beam Test Primer Production modules of the HEC have been tested in particle beams in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 –Lots of data (electron, pions, muons, 6 to 200 GeV) –Pulse shape sampled for many 25ns time samples –Calibration parameters obtained from special runs –Signal peak reconstruction parameters obtained from noise measurements and knowledge of pulse shape –hec_adc software framework –NIM paper accepted for publication Getting ready for combined beam tests –HEC/EMEC scheduled for August 2002 –HEC/EMEC/FCAL in 2003
12 October 2001, M. LefebvreHEC-Athena Tutorial: HEC beam test primer2 HEC beam test setup beam 1 st wheel 2 nd wheel beam 4 samplings in depth
12 October 2001, M. LefebvreHEC-Athena Tutorial: HEC beam test primer3 HEC beam test setup Signal shape sampled by FADC at 40MHz: time samples measured each 25ns in ADC units for each cell First sampling cell map
12 October 2001, M. LefebvreHEC-Athena Tutorial: HEC beam test primer4 HEC Beam Test Software crude schematic view HEC raw beam test data EPIO hec_adc monitoring EPIO-ASCII converter ntuple user analysis HEC-MC GEANT3 ASCII Data file ASCII-TDS converter EPIO-TDS converter TDSTDS MC events MC-TDS converter Analysis package ATHENA framework hec_adc framework
12 October 2001, M. LefebvreHEC-Athena Tutorial: HEC beam test primer5 HEC Beam Test Software A few analogies… hec_adcAthena hec_adc.datacardJob Options file user_ini*.finitialize() user_evt*.fexecute() user_ana*.f, user_ter.ffinalize() Combined beam test: Athena-based code!!