African Union Commission 9 th Annual Session of the Committee of Directors Generals of Statistics meeting Libreville, Gabon Implementation of SDGs and Agenda 2063
Outline of presentation I.Background on SDGs II.Linkage with Agenda 2063 III.Challenges in implementing SDGs IV.Way forward Introduction
The new sustainable development agenda builds on the outcome of the: World Summit on Sustainable Development, Summit on the MDGs, -UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 (Rio+20) the views of people around the world. Background on SDGs (cont’d)
The new agenda was officially adopted by world leaders at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September Africa has contributed to the new agenda by developing a Common African Position (CAP) on the Post 2015 Development Agenda which represented a united African voice in the formulation of the SDGs. The Contribution of Africa through CAP has influenced the work of the Open Working Group of the SDGs and the Intergovernmental Negotiation Process.
Background on SDGs (cont’d) Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development consists of: - a Declaration, - 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, -a section on means of implementation and renewed global partnership, -and a framework for review and follow-up.
Background on SDGs (cont’d) The agenda is unique in that it calls for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income. The SDGs are characterized by five transformative shifts: -Leave no one behind -Put sustainable development at the core -Transform economies for Jobs and inclusive growth -Build peace and effective, open and accountable institutions for all -Forge new global partnership
Universal Agenda: The MDGs were in the context of “rich donors aiding poor recipients however the SDGs are a set of goals applicable to every country; Inclusive Goal Setting: The MDGs were created through a top-down process. The SDGs are created in inclusive participatory processes involving all stake holders; All the three dimensions of sustainable development: SDGs cover the three dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental) while MDGs focus more on social indicators; II- Differences between MDGs and SDGs
Peace Building: The inclusion of peace-building is critical to the success of ending hunger and poverty however it was totally ignored in the MDGs; Quality Education: The MDGs focused on quantity (eg, high enrollment rates) while the SDGs focus on the quality of education; Addressing inequality: MDGS overlooked inequality while SDGs addressed the issue of inequality by promoting inclusive economic growth and social inclusion; Data Revolution: The MDGs said nothing about monitoring, evaluation and accountability – the SDGs target by 2020 addresses the need for urgent data revolution; and Funding: The MDGs were largely envisioned to be funded by aid flows – which did not materialize. The SDGs put sustainable, inclusive economic development at the core of the strategy, and address the ability of countries to address social challenges largely through improving domestic resource mobilization.
IV- Linkage with Agenda 2063 The adoption of SDGs came at a right time when Africa has devised Agenda 2063, an effective vehicle through which it will implement the SDGs. Agenda 2063 is Africa’s transformative development framework to achieve accelerated, sustained and inclusive economic growth that leads to sound, resilient inclusive socioeconomic development in the next 50 years. Agenda 2030 is a critical milestone towards the realization of Agenda 2063, and provides a good opportunity for Africa to complete the unfinished business of the MDGs
Agenda 2063 GoalsPriority AreasSDGs 1. A high standard of living, quality of life and well-being for all citizens Incomes, jobs and decent work Poverty, inequality and hunger Social security and protection, including persons with disabilities Modern, affordable and liveable habitats and quality basic services Goals no 1, 2, 8 and Well educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and innovation Education and science, technology and innovation (STI) driven skills revolution Goal no 4 3.Healthy and well-nourished citizens Health and nutritionGoal no. 3 4.Transformed economies Sustainable and inclusive economic growth STI driven manufacturing, industrialization and value addition Economic diversification and resilience Goals no. 8 and 9 5.Modern agriculture for increased productivity and production Agricultural productivity and production Goal no 2
III- Challenges in implementing SDGs and Agenda 2063 in Africa Incorporating the SDGs into national development plans on time; Developing an effective monitoring framework, including clear indicators; Existing data gaps; Limited capacity of institutions to deliver; and Availing the necessary resources including adequate and sustainable financing.
Strategy of Domestication Consultation at the level of -Commission -Au organs -PRC -Regional consultation -Continental consultation -Conference of ministers
IV- Actions needed to effectively implement Agenda 2030 Ensuring sustainable financing mechanism by improving domestic resource mobilization, maximizing innovative financing and implementing existing commitments and promoting quality and predictability of external financing; Fast track the establishment and operationalization of African financial institutions Promoting sound macro-economic policies; Accelerate African Economic transformation by putting action on the African industrialization process Building effective partnership by promoting mutual interest and strengthening partnership for trade;
IV- Actions needed to effectively implement Agenda 2030 Promoting private sector development by improving the investment and business climate Fighting corruption and promoting good political and socioeconomic governance, transparency and accountability; to tackle illicit financial flows, trade mispricing and other forms of corruption. Strengthening human and institutional capacity;
IV- Actions needed to effectively implement Agenda 2030 (cont’d) Investing and strengthening national statistical capacities for the collection, analysis, production and dissemination of disaggregated data to measure and evaluate the new development agenda and promote a culture of evidence- based decision making; and Political will and commitment.