4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC1 Straw tracker manufacturing procedure Dubna: assembly halls procedure conclusion Presented by S.Movchan.


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Presentation transcript:

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC1 Straw tracker manufacturing procedure Dubna: assembly halls procedure conclusion Presented by S.Movchan

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC2 Bld. 217: 3-D model of halls Total: S=250 m2 Room 114 Room Room S=150 m2 S=50 m2

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC3 Room 114: common view Condition system Crane: F=0.5 t S=16.6x9=149.4 m2 h=(7-8) m

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC4 conclusion after first look: we need many areas (~ 4) for chamber assembly definitions: layer straws view - 4 layers module – 2 views chamber – 2 modules tracker – 4 chambers (8 modules)

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC5 Chamber assembly: 2 areas option Assembly area 1 Assembly area 2 Vacuum test Chamber geometry measurement Cosmic test area 1 Cosmic test area 2

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC6 Step 1: chamber cleaning 1 week Chamber cleaning area

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC7 Step 2: chamber vacuum test 1 week

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC8 Step 3: chamber geometry measurements 2.5 day per side, total: 1 week

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC9 Step 4: module assembly procedure 2 weeks + 1 spare = 3 weeks per layer (121 straws) Start up (steps 1-3): 3 weeks + 1 spare (for vacuum tests) = 4 weeks 1 month per module

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC10 Steps 1 and 3: straw insertion to frame and glue Straws glue: tools per straws (2 x half of module) glue rate: (3-5) min per each end plug per layer: 2 days spare= 2.5 days/2 technicians Module position for straw glue:

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC11 Steps 2 and 4: straw tension measurement Layer by layer Straw tension measurement: F=(1.5 +/- 0.1) kg straw tension rate: 1 day per layer

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC12 Steps 5 and 6: WEBs installation and wiring 121 straw wiring: nominal tension – 80 g wiring rate: 4 min per wire (layer per day) WEBs + wiring: 4 days/2 technicians

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC13 Steps 7 and 8: wire tension measurement Wire tension measuremennt method: by wire vibration + sensor for frequency measurement straw tension: nominal tension – (80+/-5) g wire tension measurement rate: 1 day Wire reparation – 1 day

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC14 Layer assembly summary Per layer (121 straws): straw glue: 2.5 days/2 technicians0.5 week straw tension:1.0 day0.2 week WEBs installation + wiring:1.0 days/2 technicians 0.2 week wire tension and reparation: 1.0 day 0.1 week Total: 1 week +1 spare=2 weeks (spare: for straw and wire reparation) Per module: 6 months (8 layers x 2 weeks = 16 weeks) We have 2 assembly areas: so, expected production rate will be 2 module per 4 months

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC15 Step 5: final chamber geometry measurements 1 day per side, total: 2 days

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC16 Step 6: final chamber vacuum test 1 week

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC17 Step 7: tests + cosmic cosmic HV test gas system test connectivity test cosmic test 3 months/chamber

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC18 Step 8: chamber package and store 2 weeks per chamber 4 weeks

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC19 Steps 1- 8: summary Per 2 module: Step 1: module cleaning 1 week Step 2: module vacuum test 1 week Step 3: module geometry measurements 1 week spare (vacuum test) 1 week Step 4: module assembly 16 weeks spare (straw and wire reparation) 4 weeks Step 5: final module geometry measurements 1 week Step 6: final module vacuum test 1 week Total: 26 weeks Step 7: chamber tests + cosmic 12 weeks Step 8: chamber package and store 4 weeks Total: 42 weeks (1 year per chamber)

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC20 Conclusion Chamber rate production at Dubna – about 1 year (with 2 assembly area) Straw tracker: - first chamber - Dubna - second chamber - we need start chamber production at CERN too - 3-d chamber: Option 1: used additional facility for production 3-d chamber in 2011 Than it will be install in 2012 too - 3 and 4 stations: Option 2: Dubna + CERN can produce 3-d and 4-th chambers but it will be install only in 2013

4-Jan-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC21