1 Value Added of Export in Global Manufacturing (Global Manufacturing Production) May 2014
Contents General Context What is Global Manufacturing Production? (GMP) Methodological Concept Framework Methodology Results Steps to follow
PRODUCTION FRAGMENTATION Fragmentation Fragment Enterprise Affiliate/Non affiliate Arrangements Internationalization Globalization Takes: Comparative advantages Market Acces Trade Mark Integrates spare production Disperses its production Product made in the world General Context
Owner Non Affiliate Affiliate Country B Country B Country A Country A Country X Country X Country C Country C Country D Country D Property (intellectual, inputs, etc..); Disegns; Marketing; Trade Property (intellectual, inputs, etc..); Disegns; Marketing; Trade Multinational Enterprises Sends and/or subcontracts Sends and/or subcontracts Country Z Country Z Production outsourcing Production in other country Production in several countries What is Global Manufacturing Production?
Methodological Conceptual Framework
Firms whose inputs come from abroad (2/3) and its production is exported. Firms with main foreign capital participation Not mentioned above and intermediate goods exporters. Methodology: Criteria
Methodology: Coverage Transactions and Manufacturing Firms
Trade data of Foreign Trade 2008 Administrative Records Articulation of foreign trade records with 2009 EC and surveys for exporting and importing activities Application of Table 2007 TIGIE- SCIAN by tariff Estimation of Value Added of Export in Global Manufacturing Firms in Censuses with foreign capital participation Methodology: Measuring Procedure of VAEGM
Measuring Procedure for VAEGM X GM = Exports Global Manufacturing M GM = Imports of Global Manufacturing ICD GM = Intermediate Consumption Domestic origin Global Manufacturing GVA GM = Gross Value Added of Global Manufacturing 6
1. VAEGM as proportion of manufacturing production 2. VAEGM as proportion of GMP 3. VAEGM by branch as proportion of Total VAEGM Results: Indicators
Steps to follow Updated results for 2013 will be available in the first week of 2014 December just after publishing the Goods and Services Accounts for preliminary version of the SCNM.
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