Unit II List 8
accord complete agreement, unity ***** Concert goers were in accord that the July Fourth presentation by the Boston Pops and fireworks show over the water were the best ways to end a day of celebration.
perturbation agitation, uneasiness The man showed his perturbation by continuously pacing in the hospital’s waiting room.
tremulous trembling or shaking ***** ***** The little boy felt sorry for the tremulous puppy at the shelter and begged to adopt it.
entreaty earnest plea or petition Jacob’s mother agreed to his entreaty, and soon they carried home a new family member from the dog shelter.
Jacob’s parents love dogs but have an antipathy toward cats. a strong dislike antipathy
solicitude concern or anxiety; attentiveness concern or anxiety; attentiveness The cardiologist treated her patient with great solicitude and care.
fortitude strength, particularly strength of mind that enables one to encounter danger or bear adversity with courage ***** ***** With great fortitude Puritans John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse accepted the injustice of being put to death after their false convictions of witchcraft.
recluse someone who leads a secluded or solitary life The recluse lived in a cabin deep in the woods.
misanthropic having hatred for humankind Events of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol convince Ebenezer Scrooge to change his misanthropic ways and behave with more kindness.
inscrutable mysterious, or not able to be interpreted or understood *************** *************** The vastness of our universe is inscrutable.