HOMEWORK: ** No more than 15 minutes daily. ** Practice your individual skills folder each night. ** Log books read on your Bookworm & send in when completed!. ** Due to the upcoming holiday, please send your child’s HW to school on Thursday this week for checking. *No Homework Envelopes Thank You! LANGUAGE : T’is the Season to be jolly! This week, our theme will be, “Transportation.” We will discuss the many different forms of transportation and how we get around town. We will “sleigh ride” our way through favorite holiday stories, such as, The Polar Express, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. This week we will review all previously taught high frequency words and word families. Vocabulary enrichment include the “Wonderful Words: vehicle, transportation, haul, and rapidly. MATH: Unit 3 continues to focus on numbers to 20, the count sequence to 50 (by ones and tens), and connecting counting to cardinality (number denoting quantity). Vocabulary: greater than, less than, equal to, compare We will continue to focus on kindergarten mid-year assessments in both language and math. Announcements: **Holiday Gift Shop Volunteers : Many thanks to those parents who came out to help our students make their choices at the Gift Shop last week. We could not have done it without you! The children were very thoughtful in choosing just the right item for everyone in their family. We had fun! Our class “Winter Party” celebration is scheduled this Thursday, December 17 th from 12:30-1:30. Parents are welcome to come Celebrate with us! A big “THANK YOU” to all who volunteered to help send in items for the party. If you have any questions, You may Contact our room mom, Holly Cain. We are excited! Party times for all grades are as follows: Kindergarten 12:30-1:30Second Grade 1:30-2:30 First Grade 1:00-2:00Third Grade 2:00-3:00 **“ALL ABOARD!” Polar Express Day! As an extension of our transportation and holiday units, our students will “take a ride” on the Polar Express this Friday, December 18 th. We will sip hot chocolate and enjoy cookies while watching the movie. KINDERGARTENERS MAY WEAR THEIR PAJAMAS TO SCHOOL! They may also bring a blanket and a small stuffed animal. Please remember… no spaghetti straps and students must wear regular school/tennis shoes. REMINDER: HALF-DAY FOR STUDENTS THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th Students will attend school a HALF DAY this Friday, December 18th, prior to the holiday. Our winter break is scheduled December 19 th -Jan. 3 rd. We will return to school on Monday, January 4 th. YEARBOOKS ARE STILL ON SALE for $20. You may send cash or check, or you may order online. Orders are due in the MES office by Friday, December 18 th for this discounted price. Reminders: Our LOST AND FOUND bin is overflowing! PLEASE label all coats, sweatshirts, hats and mittens! December 14-18, 2015 Dates to Remember : Dec. 14- Strings Concert at 6PM Dec. 16- PBS Celebration Dec. 17- Winter Parties at MES Kindergarten Party 12:30-1;30 Dec. 18-Polar Express/Pajama Day for K Dec. 18-End of 2 nd 9 Weeks., Students Half Day Dec. 21-Jan 1 School Closed-Winter Holiday Jan. 4- School Reopens Jan. 7- Report Cards Sent Home Jan. 12- Domino’s Pizza Night Jan. 13- Class Pictures Jan. 18- Dr. MLK, Jr. Holiday- No School Monday What is your favorite thing about this time of year? Write 2 sentences about it. Draw a picture to go with your sentences. Use inventive spelling! Tuesday If you could take any kind of transportation to school, what kind would you take and why? Write: I would take a ______ because ___________. Wednesday Create an AB pattern in your homework folder. BRING YOUR HOMEWORK FOLDER TO SCHOOL TOMORROW (THURSDAY) FOR CHECKING Thursday Practice counting to 100. (No written homework tonight)