L’accent aigu - é The aigu accent only appears above the letter e. It makes the e sound like “ay”.
L’accent aigu - é The aigu accent only appears above the letter e. It makes the e sound like “ay”. défini – definite
L’accent aigu - é The aigu accent only appears above the letter e. It makes the e sound like “ay”. défini – definite école – school
L’accent aigu - é The aigu accent only appears above the letter e. It makes the e sound like “ay”. défini – definite école – school enchanté(e) – delighted
L’accent aigu - é The aigu accent only appears above the letter e. It makes the e sound like “ay”. défini – definite école – school enchanté(e) – delighted fiancé(e), cliché
L’accent grave – à è ì ò ù The grave accent can appear over any vowel. Usually makes the e sound like “ehh”, but there is no change in pronunciation over any other letter.
L’accent grave – à è ì ò ù The grave accent can appear over any vowel. Usually makes the e sound like “ehh”, but there is no change in pronunciation over any other letter. très bien – very well
L’accent grave – à è ì ò ù The grave accent can appear over any vowel. Usually makes the e sound like “ehh”, but there is no change in pronunciation over any other letter. très bien – very well à tout à l’heure
L’accent grave – à è ì ò ù The grave accent can appear over any vowel. Usually makes the e sound like “ehh”, but there is no change in pronunciation over any other letter. très bien – very well à tout à l’heure élève – student
L’accent circonflexe – â ê î ô û The circumflex accent can appear on the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Usually indicates that an “s” used to follow that vowel.
L’accent circonflexe – â ê î ô û The circumflex accent can appear on the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Usually indicates that an “s” used to follow that vowel. hôpital - hospital
L’accent circonflexe – â ê î ô û The circumflex accent can appear on the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Usually indicates that an “s” used to follow that vowel. hôpital - hospital forêt – forest
L’accent circonflexe – â ê î ô û The circumflex accent can appear on the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Usually indicates that an “s” used to follow that vowel. hôpital - hospital forêt – forest fête - __
L’accent circonflexe – â ê î ô û The circumflex accent can appear on the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Usually indicates that an “s” used to follow that vowel. hôpital - hospital forêt – forest fête - party
L’accent circonflexe The circumflex accent is also used to differentiate between two homophone words:
L’accent circonflexe The circumflex accent is also used to differentiate between two homophone words: (on) sur – sûr (sure)
L’accent circonflexe The circumflex accent is also used to differentiate between two homophone words: (on) sur – sûr (sure) (from) du – dû (due)
L’accent circonflexe The circumflex accent is also used to differentiate between two homophone words: (on) sur – sûr (sure) (from) du – dû (due) (wall) mur - mûr (mature)
L’accent tréma – ë ï ü The tréma accent can appear on the letters e, i, and u It is used when two vowels are next to each other, and both must be pronounced
L’accent tréma – ë ï ü The tréma accent can appear on the letters e, i, and u It is used when two vowels are next to each other, and both must be pronounced naïve
L’accent tréma – ë ï ü The tréma accent can appear on the letters e, i, and u It is used when two vowels are next to each other, and both must be pronounced naïve Noël – Christmas
L’accent tréma – ë ï ü The tréma accent can appear on the letters e, i, and u It is used when two vowels are next to each other, and both must be pronounced naïve Noël – Christmas ambigüe – ambiguous
L’accent tréma – ë ï ü The tréma accent can appear on the letters e, i, and u It is used when two vowels are next to each other, and both must be pronounced naïve Noël – Christmas ambigüe – ambiguous league/intrigue
La cédille - ç The cedilla only appears on the letter c
La cédille - ç The cedilla only appears on the letter c It makes the “c” sound like an “s” français comme çi comme ça leçon - lesson garçon - boy