Docente : Acuña Suplente: Martin Alumna: Espindola 14/12/2009
phonetic Organs of speech The nature of speech Type of pronunciation Breath and voice Vowels and consonants Diphthongs and triphthong
Organs of speech
The nature of speech Spoken language consists of successions of sounds emitted by organs of speech together with certain attributes. These successions of sounds are composed of: Speech-sounds Glides
Types of pronunciation No two persons of the same nationality pronounce their own language exactly alike. Reasons: Locality Social surroundings Early influences
Breath and voice Voice When the vocal folds come into light contact and the air passes through them causes them to vibrate breath The vocal cords are held wide apart and air passes between them. Glottal stop The vocal folds can be brought tightly together, so that no air can pass through.
Vowels and consonants Are voiced sounds. they are produced without any obstruction of airstream. Vowel Are produced by temporally obstruction the airstream as passes through the mouth. consonant
Plosive When active articulator comes in firm contact with a passive one, forming a structure of complete closure, the air streams built up behind this closure. The articulators separate suddenly producing an explosive sound called plosion. p.a. a.a.
affricative When active articulator comes in firm contact with a passive one, forming a structure of complete closure, but instead of opening suddenly producing an explosive sound, they come apart slowly into the fricative position. p.a. a.a.
fricative When active articulator comes into light contact with a passive one, forming a structure of closure approximation the air has to force its way out, making a noise called friction. p.a. a.a.
lateral When active articulator comes in firm contact with a passive one, and the air escapes down one or both sides of the contact. p.a. a.a.
nasal The velum must must be lowered, and there must be a structure of compete closure somewhere in the mouth, so that the air escapes through the nose. Semi-vowel These sounds are produced with an approximation of the articulators which is too open to cause friction
Vowel chart i: ə ɜ:ɜ: u ɔ:ɔ: u: ɒ a: ʌ æe ɪ dswtfddc Half-close dswtfddc Half-open dswtfddc back dswtfddc central dswtfddc front dswtfddc close dswtfddc open
Diphthongs They are defined as independent vowel-glides. They may be: Long or short Wide or narrow Rising or falling
Diphthongs Types: Closing diphthongs Centring diphthong eɪeɪ aɪaɪɔɪ əʊəʊ aʊaʊ ɪəɪə eəeə ʊəʊə
centring diphthongs ə ue ɪ dswtfddc Half-close dswtfddc Half-open dswtfddc back dswtfddc central dswtfddc front dswtfddc close dswtfddc open
Closing diphthongs ə u ɒʌ e ɪ dswtfddc Half-close dswtfddc Half-open dswtfddc back dswtfddc central dswtfddc front dswtfddc close dswtfddc open
triphthongs Is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly and without interruption. eɪeɪ ə eɪəeɪə aɪaɪ ə aɪəaɪə ɔɪ ə ɔɪ ə əʊəʊ ə əʊəəʊə aʊaʊ ə aʊəaʊə