Islamic studies: the way forward in the UK Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London 17 April 2008 Professor David Eastwood, HEFCE Chief Executive
Why are we looking at Islamic studies? Government action: Siddiqui report – April 2007 Designated as a strategic subject by government – June 2007 HEFCE asked to allocate up to £1 million in support PM’s proposal to establish a European centre of excellence in the UK – November 2007.
HESA data – provision specifically identified as Islamic studies Student trends Increased numbers (635 total) Predominance of Asian/Asian British Provision dispersed Few specialist staff. What do we know?
Extent and range of research provision beyond Religion and Society Research programme Extent teaching provision is embedded within other subjects Number of students studying Islamic studies as part of other courses Other related activity Qualitative survey will help fill gaps in knowledge. What do we not know?
Initial seminar - November 2007 Discussion with other funders Consultation before decisions Today’s conference International report Further policy development. What are we doing?
Desk-based study of eight countries: UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, US, Australia, Malaysia and Turkey. Key themes: Interdisciplinary and trans-regional centres Networks of scholars Links between scholarly community and faith leaders Flexible and introductory modules to increase access. International report
Considering the report of the international study – publication May 2008 Looking at options – Identifying priority areas – Considering different approaches Continuing to work with other government departments on developments. Where are we going?
Continue consultation Bring experts together Chance to influence HEFCE’s programme Help us address appropriate areas with appropriate focus. Today’s event
Seminar today Follow up on feedback Report back to Board – July 2008 Proposals to our Strategic Development Fund – September 2008 Programme of support to start thereafter. Timetable