Airborne sunphotometer (AATS-14) measurements in ARCTAS - first insights into their combined use with satellite observations to study Arctic aerosol radiative effects J. Redemann 1, J. Livingston 2, Y. Shinozuka 3, P. Russell 3, Q. Zhang 1, R. Johnson 3, S. Ramachandran 3,4, A. Clarke 5, C. McNaughton 5, B. Veheilmann 6 1 Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, Sonoma, CA, 2 SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 3 NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, 4 Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, INDIA, 5 HiGEAR group, Univ. of Hawaii, HI, 6 Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), DeBilt, The Netherlands
1.Measures direct solar beam transmission: nm 2. 2.Yields: aerosol optical depth & columnar water vapor (ozone under certain conditions) aerosol extinction & water vapor (ozone) concentration when aircraft flies profiles 3. 3.Size: Telescope dome 8" OD (hemisphere) atop 5" H pedestal. (Total H: 9" above A/C skin), Inside A/C: 12" D x 18" H cylinder Weight: lbs NASA Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer: AATS-14
AATS-14 operated success-fully on all 24 NASA P-3B flights. AATS-14 collected science data on 20 of those flights (exceptions - two transit, one engineering check flight and one science flight, when environmental conditions were unfavorable). AATS-14 science objectives for ARCTAS: (1) (1)integrated analysis of the horizontal and vertical distribution of Arctic Haze aerosols and the emissions from boreal forest fires, (2) (2)the combination of AATS-derived AOD measurements with solar irradiance measurements on the P-3B to determine aerosol direct radiative effects, (3) (3)the use and validation of aerosol observations from MODIS, MISR, OMI, POLDER and CALIPSO in conjunction with AATS measurements to address ARCTAS science objectives.
Saturn Island off Vancouver
ARCTAS-spring, AATS summary
ARCTAS-summer, AATS summary
ARCTAS Theme 3: Aerosol Radiative Forcing - Two ways to “measure” direct aerosol radiative effects Flux divergence method requires flux measurements at two alt. + layer AOD AOD&flux gradient method in INTEX- A required: cos( )/ «1 & nm >0.05
ARCTAS satellite OP info relative to AATS obs. AATS-14 (+-1 hour of sat. OP time) DateFlight #Flight LocaleAATS data times (UT) SatelliteOP time UT Successful satellite AOD min altmax altmin AOD 519 nm max AOD 519 nm 04/19/0810Transit, FAI -> Ames Terra2030MODIS Aqua2215MODIS /24/0812CARB Flight Ames ->Ames ?? 06/26/0813Transit Ames ->Edmonton Terra1830MODIS Aqua2010MODIS /26/0814Transit Edmnt ->Cold Lake Transit 06/28/0815Local, Cold LakeTest 06/29/0816Local, Cold Lake Terra1855MODIS & MISR Aqua2045MODIS /30/0817Local, Cold Lake Terra1800MODIS Aqua1950MODIS & OMI /02/0818Local, Cold Lake Terra1750MODIS Aqua1935MODIS /03/0819Local, Cold Lake Terra1830MODIS & MISR Aqua2020MODIS&OMI /06/0820Local, Cold Lake Terra1900MODIS & MISR Aqua1915MODIS Aqua /07/0821Local, Cold Lake Terra1810MODIS Terra1945MODIS Aqua MODIS /09/0822Local, Cold Lake /10/0823Local, Cold Lake Terra MODIS & MISR Aqua2025MODIS /12/0824Transit, Cold L. ->Wallops
Flight 17, June 30, planned
CALIPSO profile, all adjacent pro- files yield no aerosol retrieval
ARCTAS: 30 June 2008
-a 1 a2a plume smoke a2a2 -a 1 log AOD = a 0 + a 1 *log + a 2 *log 2 ARCTAS: 30 June 2008
MODIS AOD MODIS % cloud OMAERUV OMAERO MODIS P-3B flight track color-coded by AATS AOD (451 nm) ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 Note: Google Map from July 1, 1545 UT AATS: UT Aqua: UT Aura: UT
ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 smoke sulfate smoke sulfate OMAERUV and AATS AOD spectra OMI retrievals in highlighted cells likely cloud-contaminated smoke weakly abs OMAERO and AATS AOD spectra smoke Cloud-clearing turned off for OMAERO retrievals Retrievals produced with cloud-clearing on
AATS MODIS ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 AATS: Squares show mean and vertical bars give range of cloud-free AODs within MODIS grid cell. AOD uncertainties are smaller than the symbols. MODIS: Vertical bars equal expected uncertainty in over-land AOD retrieval. AATS and MODIS AOD Spectra
(1) In a preliminary analysis of 35 vertical profiles, AATS-14 measurements of layer AOD agree with AOD calculated from HiGEAR in situ observations to within 0.02±0.1*AOD. Measure-ments of AOD from AATS-14 and AERONET agree well with each other (exc. 1.6 m) and AOD calculated from HiGEAR in situ observations in three cases studied in detail (Shinozuka). (3) An initial survey of the AATS data set indicates a considerable number of possible case studies for the “gradient method” of deriving aerosol direct radiative forcing efficiencies and a smaller number of possible cases for studying aerosol flux divergence – more cases in ARCTASsummer. (4) AATS data set yields large number of satellite AOD validation opportunities. Preliminary analyses of measurements acquired on June 30, 2008 indicate that the AATS, OMI, CALIPSO and MODIS aerosol retrievals paint a consistent picture of the smoke plume. Spatial averaging is an important issue to consider in reconciling different satellite observations in the immediate vicinity of smoke plumes. Preliminary Findings