Financial Results for Q4 2008/2009 May 2009 – July September 2009 Reducing costs by increasing efficiency of use of the company's potential
ACTION Group's consolidated net result amounted to a profit of PLN 5.7 MM. ACTION S.A.'s individual result included a profit of PLN 10.5 MM. Further reduction of the Group's operating costs: an over 22% cost cut compared to comparable period of FY 2007/2008 Expanding business with BenQ, Indesit, Aristo and Hitachi Europe as well as including office products and FMCG in the offer of Office Products Division Completion of minor tender obligations to Kompania Węglowa and Totalizator Sportowy Acquisition of majority stake in, a portal with more than 600,000 returning users and over 6.5 million page impressions per month Reporting year 2008/2009 will include 17 months: in 2010 the reporting periods will become aligned with the calendar year GROUP IN QUARTER 4 OF 2008/2009 Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July
3 PRIZES AND AWARDS Consumer's Golden Laurel (Złoty Laur Klienta) awarded to ActiveJet consumables IT Reseller recognised ActiveJet consumables as most popular substitute products of that kind on the market Transparent Business Certificate received ActiveJet received a Brand Leader Silver Quality Mark (Lider Marki - Srebrna Odznaka Jakości) Actina Sierra, the first family of Polish PCs, earned a certificate of full compatibility with Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system HP granted its Preffered Partner GOLD to Action, confirming its compliance with requirements HP Authorisation 2010 GROUP IN QUARTER 4 OF 2008/2009 Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009
4 FINANCIAL RESULTS IN QUARTER 4 Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009 Sales revenue (PLN M) Compared to Q4 2007/2008, sales revenue decreased by 26.1% Distribution revenue decreased by 5.2% (excl. tenders) Compared to Q4 2007/2008, gross margin increased by 0.3% Gross margin (%) Q4 2007/2008Q4 2008/2009
5 FINANCIAL RESULTS IN QUARTER 4 Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009 Net profit (PLN M) Operating Profit (PLN M) Compared to Q1 2006/2008, operating profit decreased by 40.7% The Group's net profit decreased by 32.9% compared to the same period of the previous financial year. However, Action S.A.'s individual net profit dropper by 4.0% only. Q4 2007/2008Q4 2008/2009 Q4 2007/2008Q4 2008/2009
6 DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009 [in PLN thousand] Quarter /2008 Quarter /2009Change Quarter /2008 Quarter /2009Change Sales revenue 582,047430, %2,343,3682,161, % Gross profit on sales 46,94336, %185,202224, % Gross margin on sales 8.1%8.4%0.3 PP7.9%10.4%2.5 PP Cost of sales and marketing 33,09226, %114,313116,6682.1% Related to revenue 5.7%6.2%0.5 PP4.9%5.4%0.5 PP General administrative costs 8,4215, %36,48525, % Related to revenue 1.4% 0.0 PP1.6%1.2%-0.4 PP Other revenue and benefits 11, %32,9719, % Other costs and losses 3,203-3, %10,08562, % Operating result 13,7858, %57,29029, % Net financial costs 2,4701, %6,1764, % Net result 8,4795, %33,79018, % Net profit margin 1.5%1.3%-0.2 PP1.4%0.9%-0.5 PP
DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY Number of products offered by ACTION increased to 16,500 Increased number and value of chain customers year-on-year by more than 20% Average invoice value increased by 22.5%, exceeding PLN 3,300 Number of foreign customers increased year-on-year by 70% with a 140% sales value increase Turnover on ActiveJet products increased by 23% compared to comparable quarter of FY 2007/2008 Number of customers decreased by 1,000 compared to comparable quarter of 2007/ DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009
Online Delicatessen Increase of the number or orders in Quarter /2009 by over 100% compared to Q4 2007/2008 An over 100% increase in number of customers compared to a comparable period of the previous year Offer expanded by starting co-operation with: -Winarium Marek Kondrat i Syn wine shop, -LOT CATERING ready meals supplier, and -online florist service. The shop site was also launched under domain New Project acquisition of 75% of shares moving the company's headquarters to ACTION S.A. 8 E- COMMERCE Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009
SFERIS AND ACTION UKRAINA Streamlining Group structure and making an efficient use of the potential of its Companies SFERIS Negotiations with shopping malls on the costs of commercial space rental Exiting from non-profitable locations Started talks with potential franchise partners Building the Sferis brand image in the media ACTION UKRAINA Further reduction of operating costs Reducing area of shops Reduction of employment 9 SFERIS AND ACTION UKRAINA Period from 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009
10 OBJECTIVES FOR NEXT QUARTERS Achieving high performance level of the new fulfillment line and redirecting majority of orders to be processed using the new line Winning new customers to use the full capacity of the dispatching facility Focus on developing the private brand image and expanding the market range by entering new countries Ensuring that all companies included in the Capital Group generate positive results next year Using the potential of the highly dynamic development of e-commerce by: -expanding the offer with online shops in mind, -using our dispatching facilities for the needs of online shops.
11 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contacts for the press and representatives of the capital market Anna Bielińska – Corporate Communication Director Telephone: , Dominika Lenkowska – Martis CONSULTING Telephone: ,