The Still Life Examples and history What is it? and Why have artists created them for centuries?
What is a still life? 0 A work of art depicting mostly inanimate (non- living) subject matter, Typically commonplace objects which may be either natural (food, flowers, plants, rocks, or shells) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, and so on).inanimate
History of the Still Life 0 The first still life paintings have been found on the walls of Egyptian tombs where it was believed that these paintings of flowers and food became real in the after-life. Still life paintings have also been found painted on the walls of ancient Greek and Roman architecture which symbolized hospitality and signs of the seasons.
Early Types Vanitas- mortality Trompe l’oeil- trick of the eye
Compare and Contrast 18th Century19 th Century
20 th Century What happened?
Modern Art a Return to Realism What do you think the artist is communicating in these still life paintings?
Consider what objects you would like to include in our class still life setup and how those objects should be arranged for an interesting composition. Some helpful websites: (select images, search: Still Life) www. (search: Still Life) Chose 3 still life paintings from one or both of the above websites. Record in your sketchbook; title, date, size, medium, and artist. Draw a thumbnail (small sketch copying the details and composition) in your sketchbook. Write a sentence or two about why you chose the particular piece. Remember to use your newly acquired art vocabulary!