Iván Agudo with the collaboration of: S.N. Molina, J. L. Gómez (IAA-CSIC) T. P. Krichbaum, A. Roy, U. Bach (MPIfR) I. Martí Vidal (Chalmers) B. Campbell.


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Presentation transcript:

Iván Agudo with the collaboration of: S.N. Molina, J. L. Gómez (IAA-CSIC) T. P. Krichbaum, A. Roy, U. Bach (MPIfR) I. Martí Vidal (Chalmers) B. Campbell (JIVE) Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150

Introduction: NRAO 150 Agudo et al. (2007) Intense radio-mm source GHz) Quasar at redshift z = 1.52 (Acosta-Pulido et al. 2010) Acompact + bright core plus a one-sided je up to 80 mas Misalignment by >100 ◦ Suggests a bent structure of the inner jet oriented within a tiny angle to the line of sight Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

Q2 Jet expansion & fast counter-clock-wise rotation of the jet on the plane of the sky ~60º in 7yr ==> ~10º/yr Non radial superluminal speeds up to ~2.7c Introduction: Jet wobbling in NRAO150 Agudo et al. (2007) Total intensity VLBA NRAO150 images from 1997 to 2007 at 43 GHz. Agudo et al. (2007) Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

Introduction: Jet wobbling in Other Blazars Lister et al. (2013) Agudo et al. (2012) Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

“Jet wobbling”, is observed ONLY in the innermost regions of the jets. Causes must be related to properties of inner jet, accretion system, and SMBH Makes jet wobbling studies an interesting tool for jet formation/launching studies. Introduction: Jet wobbling Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), However, here is still no general paradigm to explain the phenomenon Agudo (2009) Jet wobbling be triggered “in principle” by: a) disk precession, b) erratic jet instabilities in rotating jets, c) orbital motion Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

“Jet wobbling”, is observed ONLY in the innermost regions of the jets. Causes must be related to properties of inner jet, accretion system, and SMBH Makes jet wobbling studies an interesting tool for jet formation/launching studies. Introduction: Jet wobbling Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), However, here is still no general paradigm to explain the phenomenon Agudo (2009) Jet wobbling be triggered “in principle” by: a) disk precession, b) erratic jet instabilities in rotating jets, c) orbital motion Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry McKinney & Blandford (2009)

Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), GHz 22 GHz43 GHz15 GHz NRAO150: New Data Molina et al. (2014) Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

NRAO GHz Global mm VLBI Array Data Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), GHz NRAO150: New Data Molina et al. (2014) Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

We confirm the counter clock-wise rotation of jet No sign of reversal of the sense of rotation Not possible to compute a period of jet wobbling, if any Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), NRAO150: New Data In Agudo et al. (2007), the brighter jet feature (Q0) was assumed the stationary core New spectral index maps do not support this (but do not rule out) Explore other kinematic scenarios not based on the assumption that a particular jet feature is stationary Spectral index GHz Molina et al. (2014) Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

NRAO150: New Kinematic Scenario New scenario based on internal rotation of the jet around an “a priory” undetermined axis (removed assumption that Q0 is stationary) Jet feature trajectories assumed to be helical Assumption: we observe the cross section of the jet seen face-on when it rotates Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Observer Fitting Model We solve for: r i ini, ω i, v i r, ϕ i ini Chi square fitting Molina et al. (2014) Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

Kinematic center not located at position of any particular jet emission feature Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Modeled trajectories (r of all comps free) Best fit parameters NRAO150: New Kinematic Scenario Compatible with previous kinematic scenario Best Fit of Data Referenced back to Q0 Rotation of the jet features with regard to an undetermined jet point is a likely possibility (absolute position was lost on self-calibration) Molina et al. (2014) Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

NRAO150: Signs of Toroidal Magnetic Field Configuration Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Sticks: EVPA+90° Molina et al. (2014) Linear polarization angle compatible with circular shape Polarization compatible with toroidal magnetic field configuration Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

Linear polarization angle compatible with circular shape Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), Sticks: EVPA+90° Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry Molina et al. (2014) Polarization compatible with toroidal magnetic field configuration NRAO150: Signs of Toroidal Magnetic Field Configuration

Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), No strong evidence of the present of a “classical” core New kinematic scenario compatible with jet features rotating around a fiducial point (not related to any jet feature) Polarization distribution compatible with toroidal magnetic field configuration NRAO150: Internal Rotation of Jet Flow Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), McKinney & Blandford (2009) 3D GRMHD Simulations of jet formation No strong evidence of the present of a “classical” core New kinematic scenario compatible with jet features rotating around a fiducial point (not related to any jet feature) Polarization distribution compatible with toroidal magnetic field configuration Porth et al. (2013) 3D RMHD Simulations of jet stability If internal jet rotation and toroidal field really happen in NRAO150, May be first time that are observed NRAO150: Internal Rotation of Jet Flow Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry

Half of the new 43 GHz observations in phase-ref mode But did not provide conclusive results within accuracies ~ 50 μas Tracked emission feature (Q0) clusters Expected Q0 motion ~ 10 μas/yr Global (EVN + VLBA) 43 GHz phase-ref program approved to solve the ambiguity: (1)much longer time baseline > 10yr (1)a factor ~4 more sensitive observations Thanks for your attention! Signs of internal rotation and helical magnetic field in the inner jet of NRAO 150 Iván Agudo (JIVE), EVN Symposium 2014, Cagliari (Italy), NRAO150: 43 GHz Astrometric Study Introduction New Data New Kinematic Scenario Toroidal-Like Magnetic Field Internal Jet Rotation 43 GHz Astrometry