doc.: IEEE r1 Submission May 2008 Tuncer Baykas,NICTSlide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Resolutions for SC-PHY Modulation and Spreading Comments ] Date Submitted: [May, 2008] Source: [Tuncer Baykas] Company [NICT] Address [Yokosuka,Japan] Voice:[], FAX: [], Re: [] Abstract:[Resolutions for SC-PHY Modulation and Spreading Comments ] Purpose:[Resolutions for SC-PHY Modulation and Spreading Comments ] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE r1 Submission Comment Code Spreading To increase robustness in header and payload, Golay and pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) codes by linear feedback shift register (LFSR) may be applied for code spreading. Three categories of spreading are defined: 1) for spreading factor of 32, Golay codes shall be used, 2) for Class 1 MCSs with spreading factors of 2 and 4, LFSR shall be used 3) for Class 4 MCS with spreading factor of 2, code repetition shall be used Code Repetition For a spreading factor of 2 at code repetition, each data bit shall be repeated twice as spreading. Tuncer Baykas,NICT May 2008
doc.: IEEE r1 Submission Comment 47 Normalization factors of SC modulation schemes ModulationNormalization factor Pi/2 BPSK1 Pi/2 QPSK1 Pi/2Star-8QAM1/{3+sqrt(3)} where inner circle has radius 1 and outer circle has radius 1+sqrt(3) Pi/2 16QAM1/sqrt(10) OOKsqrt(2) DAMIsqrt(2) Tuncer Baykas,NICT May 2008
doc.: IEEE r1 Submission Comment 64 The relative amplitude and phase offset of different SC modulation with relation to pi/2-BPSK/(G)MSK need to be clarified to assure interoperability Resolution: (We suggest that ) Relative phase offsets are shown clearly in Figure 188 and with the previous resolution for normalization values, amplitudes are clear, we also propose to modify Section to describe the procedure of counter-clockwise pi/2 chip-level rotation for pi/2 BPSK, pi/2 QPSK, pi/2 star-8QAM, and pi/2 16QAM. Tuncer Baykas,NICT May 2008
doc.: IEEE r1 Submission Suggestion of modification pi/2 BPSK in P48 –The pi/2 rotation is continuous and symbol-level (chip- level in case of spreading) and counter-clockwise, and this rotation shall be processed after preamble data addition and PCES insertion. The first chip of preamble has the initial constellation on x-axis pi/2 QPSK in P48, pi/2 star 8- QAM in P49, and pi/2 16-QAM in P49 –The pi/2 rotation is symbol-level and counter-clockwise rotation, and the rotation process is same as in described in Tuncer Baykas,NICT May 2008