Chapter 24 Objectives Summarize the discovery of viruses. Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Objectives Summarize the discovery of viruses. Describe why viruses are not considered living organisms. Describe the basic structure of viruses. Compare the lytic and lysogenic cycles of virus replication. Summarize the origin of viruses.
Chapter 24 Discovery of Viruses Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Discovery of Viruses Researchers in the late 1800s discovered that something smaller than bacteria could cause disease. In 1935, Wendell Stanley demonstrated that viruses were not cells when he crystallized TMV, the virus that causes tobacco mosaic disease in tobacco and tomato plants.
Characteristics of Viruses Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Characteristics of Viruses Viruses do not have all of the characteristics of life and are therefore not considered to be living. Do not have cytoplasm or organelles, can’t carry out cellular functions such as homeostasis or metabolism, they don’t grow as cells do by dividing in two, they can’t reproduce genetic material outside of host cell They depend on something else to be able to survive (HOST) Studied in biology because they are active in living cells and caused disease.
Characteristics of Viruses, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Characteristics of Viruses, continued Viral Size and Structure Viruses are nonliving particles containing DNA or RNA and are surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. Some viruses also have an envelope that is derived from a host cell’s nuclear membrane or cell membrane.
Characteristics of Viruses, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Characteristics of Viruses, continued Classification of Viruses Viruses can be classified based on: Having RNA or DNA, RNA or DNA is single or double stranded RNA or DNA circular or linear by capsid shape Envelope or no envelope
Viral Replication, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Viral Replication, continued Replication in DNA Viruses DNA viruses can enter host cells and directly produce RNA, or they can insert into a host’s chromosome, where they are transcribed to RNA along with the host’s DNA. Provirus – viral DNA that has attached to a host cell’s chromosome and that is replicated with the chromosome’s DNA
Viral Replication, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Viral Replication, continued Replication in RNA Viruses The RNA genome of some RNA viruses can be directly translated to make viral proteins. Retroviruses use reverse transcriptase and RNA as a template to make DNA, which is then used to produce viral RNA and proteins.
Viral Replication, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Viral Replication, continued Replication in Viruses That Infect Prokaryotes Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria.
Viral Replication, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Viral Replication, continued Lytic Cycle Viruses can follow a lytic cycle, making new viral particles immediately.
Viral Replication, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Viral Replication, continued Lysogenic Cycle Viruses can follow a lysogenic cycle, becoming part of the host genome and making new particles later. Viral DNA becomes integrated into host DNA
The Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 The Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles
Viral Replication, continued Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 Viral Replication, continued Viruses: Tools for Biotechnology Viruses are important tools for biotechnology.
Believed to have appeared on Earth after living cells. Lysogeny Section 1 Viral Structure and Replication Chapter 24 The Origin of Viruses Most scientists think viruses originated from fragments of host-cell nucleic-acid material. Believed to have appeared on Earth after living cells. Lysogeny lytic cycle Viruses