End of Middle Ages Late Middle Ages (1300-1500)
Bubonic Plague – called Black Death End of Middle Ages Bubonic Plague – called Black Death disease spread by fleas on rats came to Europe via traders Asia → Middle East → Europe Italy → Spain & France → rest of Europe 1 in 3 die over 25 million people 1347-1353 worse than any war in history no way to stop disease Rats everywhere (even rich homes) -- common, so no one paid much attention to them Fleas common too Fleas → clothes & packs of traders -- one bite, and you’re infected with plague Autumn 1347, Genoese trading ships leave Black Sea port (of Caffa) for Sicily. By mid-voyage, sailors are sick & dying. Reach Sicily town of Messina & soon townspeople start getting sick & dying. Unsanitary conditions in Europe helped spread people thru garbage & human waste into streets.
Bubonic Plague – Black Death End of Middle Ages Bubonic Plague – Black Death social upheaval hysteria Christians blamed Jews thousands of Jews slaughtered economic effects inflation = rising prices >100 years for Western Europe to recover Christians blamed Jews for poisoning wells. Flea bite – within hours, egg-sized lumps under arms then black spots on skin, spit blood (certain death at this stage) Inflation – workers & employers died -- production declined -- survivors demand higher wages -- cost of labor soared
End of Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War French king dies without direct heir Edward III (King of England) claims to be heir and invades France Series of conflicts France & England – rival powers
End of Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War Battle of Agincourt 1415 Henry V (successor of Edward III) crushes France with longbow Many English victories at first took heavy toll on France looked like England would control all of France Longbow: 6’ long; years to master shoot 3 arrows in time it took French crossbow archers to shoot 1 arrow arrows pierced all but heaviest armor
End of Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War Battle of Orleans Joan of Arc 17 year old French peasant saves French army Led the French to victories against the English Joan of Arc: 1429 – Told Charles VII (uncrowned king of France) that God had sent her to save France & persuaded him to let her lead his army Led French troops to several victories. Captured by English, tried & convicted of witchcraft, burned at stake. Her death rallies French, saw her as martyr. After her death French took offensive. Statue in Notre Dame cathedral.
End of Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War Gun Powder Cannon brought to Europe from China by Muslim traders Cannon French used to drive England out of France Trebuchet reigned in castle warfare until cannon came along. Not much castles could do against cannons. Castles also began installing cannons. Cannons undermined value of armored knights. gave common soldiers a new importance on battlefield
End of Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War lasted for 116 years damaged both England and France Damaged Eng & Fr -- physically -- deaths -- economically – war is expensive
Effects of Hundred Years’ War End of Middle Ages Effects of Hundred Years’ War feudal society began changing monarchs sought large armies not feudal vassals French kings expanded their power England wanted new trading ventures overseas