History according to Ulicny
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ We will think of History as Three Parts
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT We will think of History as Three Parts
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES We will think of History as Three Parts
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN We will think of History as Three Parts
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Remember our three part concept of History
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Remember our three part concept of History
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Remember our three part concept of History
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Fall of Rome The Renaissance Remember our three part concept of History
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Fall of Rome The Renaissance Remember our three part concept of History
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Fall of Rome The Renaissance Remember our three part concept of History
Let’s now specifically look at The Middle Ages – In England
The Middle Ages – In England
But we can neatly split this in half yet again Dark Ages Medieval
But we can neatly split this in half yet again The Dark Ages is the time of the Barbarians.
But we can neatly split this in half yet again Dark Ages / English Anglo Saxon Period The Anglo Saxons are the Barbarians in England.
But we can neatly split this in half yet again Dark Ages / English Anglo Saxon Period We’ll be covering this… Beowulf The Seafarer
But we can neatly split this in half yet again Medieval Our Study later in the year will move on to… The Later Middle Ages
But we can neatly split this in half yet again Medieval Our Study of late has been on the… Later Middle Ages The High Middle Ages
But we can neatly split this in half yet again Medieval Our Study of late has been on the… Later Middle Ages The High Middle Ages The Medieval Period
Castles Cathedrals
Earthly King Heavenly King
Feudalism Earthly King Faith Heavenly King King
BEGINNING * MIDDLE * END _________________500 AD______________1500 AD ______________ ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES MODERN Fall of Rome The Renaissance Remember our three part concept of History
Now our assignment: Create an artistic and informative timeline on the basic overview of History. Use 8 ½ x 11 sized sheets for submission – Longhand, typed, computer generated, scissors and glue stick, colored pencils… Your choice. Use the data from the lecture. Use the templates following to assist. Add more dates, events, pictures… – this is your baby.
_____________________________ PRIOR TO 500 BC ___________________________ 500 – 1000 AD __________________________ AD Marking Period 1 Timeline/Graphic Organizer Graded for Organization, Content, Neatness
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER / TIMELINE Basics 1 st Marking Period Graded for Organization, Content, Neatness WE NEED TO MASTER THE TIME FRAME - SO ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER ARTISTICALLY RENDER A USEFUL TIMELINE PARALLELING THE ONE BELOW. COLOR CODE PERIODS -LABEL A- B - C - D Label with dates: Middle Ages/Dark Ages /Anglo SaxonFall of Rome Middle Ages / Medieval / The High Middle AgesThe Renaissance Ancient Post Renaissance/Modern A = Earliest man to 500 AD B = 500 AD-1000 AD C 1000 AD AD D = 1500 AD forward 1000BC 500 BC 0*500 AD *1000 AD *1500 AD 2000 AD Grading A+Beyond Expectations AExcellent/ Impressive BStrong CCompleted /Solid DSubmitted / Weak 0Not submitted