Pulmonary Embolism Kathryn Farquharson
Pulmonary Embolism Is... Definition & Description Also known as PE, a pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lung Blood clot does not usually form in lung Clot usually travels from vessels in legs, arms, heart or pelvis
Description cont. The blood clot will travel through smaller vessels in the lung until it reaches a vessel too small to go through The blood clot will then get stuck in an artery leading to the lungs, preventing blood and oxygen from getting to the lung If no blood or oxygen can get to the lung, that part of the lung will die
Causes Blood clots can be formed by being confined to a bed – stroke, broken bones, spinal cord injury Long travel – sitting for long periods of time can increase chances of clots forming in the legs Recent surgery, trauma to the legs, heart disease Before a clot can reach the lungs, a clot first has to be made
Symptoms Sharp and sudden chest pain Shortness of breath Apprehension/anxiety Cough – may be dry cough or contain blood Sweating Passing out