From Becoming A Master Student By Dave Ellis Let Go of Test Anxiety From Becoming A Master Student By Dave Ellis
Dealing With Thoughts Yell “Stop!” Daydream When your mind is full of worries and fears Bring your focus back to present Daydream Fill your mind with pleasant thoughts to replace anxiety
…Thoughts Focus Visualize Success Concentrate on a specific object so there is no room in your mind for anxiety-related thoughts Visualize Success Rehearse what it will be like to succeed Create detailed pictures, actions, and sounds
…Thoughts Praise Yourself Consider the Worst Talk to yourself in a positive way Encourage yourself Consider the Worst Ask yourself ,”What is the worst that can happen?” The cold facts are hardly as bad as our worst fears
…Thoughts Zoom Out Zoom out in space as if you are a film director moving the camera away from the action Zoom out in time; imagine one week, month, or year later Then ask, “Is this situation worth the worry?”
Dealing With Physical Sensations Breathe Focus your attention on breathing Concentrate on the movement of air from your nose to lungs Scan Your Body Focus your attention on the muscles in each part of your body Tell them to relax
…Physical Sensations Tense and Relax Use Guided Imagery Find muscles that are tense Tense them more, then relax Use Guided Imagery Take a fantasy trip Imagine a peaceful setting and recreate it with all of your senses
…Physical Sensations Describe It Be With It Focus your attention on your anxiety Describe it to yourself Be With It Don’t resist as you describe Sometimes when you completely experience a physical sensation, it will disappear
Physical Sensations Exercise Aerobically Get Help Exercise on a regular basis This helps you keep tension and stress in check Get Help If these techniques don’t help, if your anxiety worsens or turns to depression or you have thoughts of suicide…. SEEK HELP!