4.1-Anxiety Disorders and Phobic Disorders Hunter Jackman P.1-Behavorial Helath
Section Information This section includes information about anxiety and phobic disorders. Anxiety and phobias both involve some types or forms of fear, stress etc. This section also gives information about the various causes of these concepts and also what they mean and how they operate within the person. Over all, this section gives advice and tells you about anxiety and phobic disorders.
The Main Idea of the Section The main over all concept of this section is to warn you and tell you the many causes of anxiety depression and phobias. This section gives out many definitions and helpful articles about anxiety and phobias and also states many symptoms and certain types.
Section Details The vocabulary for this section states: Anxiety: Fear that does not have an identifiable source or fear caused by a danger that no longer exist. Anxiety Disorder: A mental illness that interferes with everyday functioning. Phobia: When anxiety is related to a specific situation or object. Some examples are: -Fear of heights (acrophobia) -Persistent stress levels -Fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia) -Frequent panic attacks This is important to the class because anxiety depression cases and certain phobias can lead to dangerous situations and may cause serious forms of depression.
Example Story of Anxiety Disorders and Phobic Disorders Mike had obtained an intense fear of heights over time. Anxiety starts to set in as Mike realizes that he has deep fear of heights. As he stood in line for the roller coaster, Mike felt a panic start to creep in. Mike now realized that he has a severe case of this certain phobia and attracted anxiety along with it. Mike has developed and phobia and anxiety disorder and cannot stand high places or objects.
Opinions Toward Section 4.1 In my opinion, I think that this section is important in many ways. Due to the fact that it involves serious cases of depression and fear of unlikely things can could lead to horrible symptoms and other forms of depression. The key points in this section that I want the class to remember is the fact that these are mental illnesses and are dangerous and can interfere with his or her lives and that it is almost irreversible.
Section Summary Over all, this section discussed the topic of anxiety and phobic disorders. The section gave out useful and helpful information about these certain concepts. This section also gave advice about who to talk to and the many forms and symptoms of anxiety and phobic disorders. All in all, section 4.1 discussed the causes, forms and various symptoms about anxiety disorders and phobic disorders.