Human Factors & Safety Management Systems Mike O’Leary Eddie Rogan
Accidents, hardly ever happen without warning!
Led to the setting up of ‘Aviation Safety Reporting System’ (ASRS) by NASA This collected incident reports from pilots, controllers, mechanics, cabin attendants and many others involved in aviation operations.
4 Elements to a successful Safety Reporting Programme Trust Confidentiality Motivation Ease of Reporting
TRUST Is the most important foundation of a successful reporting programme Without such trust, reports, if any, will be highly selective Vital to earn the trust of the reporter
CONFIDENTIALITY Reporters confident that their own identities & colleagues are indemnified against disciplinary procedures Separate the organisation that receives the incident reports from the authority regulating the reporters from the organisation that employs them
Motivation Reporters need to see some safety value in their reports Need to know how their reports will be used Outcomes (Updates) in a weekly page or monthly newsletter is essential
Ease of Reporting Collection and returning of questionnaires to a suitable location to protect confidentiality BA - Crew members file their reports into the Safety Services Office
2 Types of Questionnaires Air Safety Report (ASR) Human Factor Questionnaire (HFR)
Confidential Human Factors Reporting System BASIS
Front Screen of BASIS
The browser lists all the HF events in the selected database along with various fields such as Risk, Date, HF Admin, Status etc. Browser
This tab gives the various notes associated with the incident. 9 Notes Tab
Remember: Your incident is probably not unique. Something like it has almost certainly happened to someone else already. Your report might prevent the same thing happening again or provide a colleague with a useful solution to a problem.
Human Factors and SMS? Presentation By Eddie Rogan Aviation Solutions Director Superstructure Group
What is AQD ? AQD is the world’s leading aviation Safety and Risk Management software, used by more airlines to support their SMS than any other system AQD facilitates application of best practice safety management and quality assurance principles to effect a cycle of continuous improvement as defined in the ICAO SMS process AQD provides a comprehensive set of flexible and easy to use tools to support each phase of the process
What is AQD ?
91 Customers Airlines, airports, ATCs and aviation authorities including....
91 Customers We also have an Australian railway customer
How AQD Works AQD enables your organisation to: Gather data from multiple sources Analyse it with ease Track documented fixes Monitor on going operational integrity
SafetyAudits Risk Assess OpsEnvironment Health and Safety Human Factors Security Integrated safety & risk management A single view of Safety data
What is AQD ? One-stop-shop for safety and risk information AQD A single view of information Incidents Dispatchers Reports Ground crew Flight Attendants Airport Staff Pilots IOSA Internal Audits Mechanics IEP LOSA Safety reports, Audits and Risk Assessments Flight Data Integrated Risk Management Safety Quality Security Occupational Environmental etc Human Factors
Jim Reason’s Theory Occurrence Hazard Unsafe Acts Report Audit Programme Latent Conditions Finding Cause Action Finding Cause Action Cause Defences Investigate
Finding Cause Action
How AQD Works - Monitor
Functionality Summary Report Incidents and Occurrences Manage Investigations Manage Audits Identify Causal Factors Track Actions Manage Risk Analyse data Communicate to management and staff
Our Vision To be the global leader in enterprise risk management information systems that meets the needs of the converging executive operational arenas and drives behavioral change By: Expanding an already proven user friendly set of processes Leveraging established blue chip industry relationships and experience Delivering automated and integrated best practice business risk processes across the enterprise Benefits Reduction of risk, costs and disruptions Organizational insights Process to drive behavioral change
Realising the Vision Aviation Safety & Quality Management System Safety & Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management
Thank You.