Power Loom
About Edmund Cartwright Born 1743, Edmund Cartwright was A reverend and inventor. He invented a devise known as a power loom the helped revolutionize the texile industry.
About his family and where he graduated from From well- education, wealthy british family. Cartwright graduated from the university college at oxford and pursed a career as a church rector.
About poem and his machines He published poems and took an interest in engineering industrial machines. He saw arkwright spinning frame, and worked on developing a machines for the weaving process. Eventually, he used steam power to drive the cotton looms
His inventions included fire proof floor boards. Inter looking bricks, A machines to make rope A wool- combing machines, steam- engine improvements, and the power loom.
More about the power loom The loom, which was patented in 1785, was the predecessor of modern loom. According the boigraphy at the bbc’s historic figures site, Cratwright was described in a song as the british Archimedes. (Archimedes was ancient Greece’s inventor, mathematicaian, and scientist.)