Wordpress Website Project Requirement
Home – Slider and News Admin can add news. All the 12 LATEST NEWS TITLE will be listed here. TOP = NEWEST, BOTTOM = OLDEST. Click to go to News page If the news title is too long, there will be … behind the news title. This slider image is actually comes from News image. Can you create 2 options, Option1 is the slider images load from the latest news. So there will be 12 slider images. Option 2 is admin is able to decide which slider to show when adding news. So in backend, there is a “Switch” for admin to select which option to use. News title
Home – Tables For this table, we want admin can: 1. Create new table using HTML 2. Edit all the data in the table 3. Please create a template base on the design provided and apply to EPL/ISA/PRIMERA/GBL, we will change the data inside ourselves. 4. Make sure everything is pixel-precise when user is clicking the EPL/ISA/PRIMERA/GBL tab. Tables Header: Admin is able to add new tab to the Tables Header and able to arrange the order of the tab. Mouse over effect. Red background with WHITE BOLD TEXT. Selected tab effect. RED BACKGROUND with WHITE BOLD TEXT
Home – Forums Please integrate the vBulletin forum in the index bottom Admin can edit the copyrights text Click to go to Forums page
News Top news: 20 top most views news showing under Top news column. News Header: Admin is able to add new tab to the News Header and able to arrange the order of the tab. Mouse over effect. Red background with WHITE BOLD TEXT. Selected tab effect. RED BACKGROUND with WHITE BOLD TEXT Admin is able to add news from the backend and to choose which category (EPL/ ISA / PRIMERA / GBL) it belongs to. Please take note when admin adding news, admin can crop the cover image. And, we wish admin can use html editor to create news and add images. Each page showing 10 news Showing the added time and total views of the news Click to expand the news Thumbnail can resize automatically to 90x60. Only showing news title Thumbnail can resize automatically to 200x133
News - Expanded Version Click to Collapse the news Share This Buttons Click to decrease/increase news font size
News - Cover Image News Cover Image(Expand) = 680x453 News Cover Image = 200x133 Top News Cover Image = 90x60Index page Slider image = 680x453 We have 4 different sizes for same image, Can you create a function at the backend which when admin is adding the news, after he uploaded the cover image, he can crop the image into 4 sizes and publish the news at one click. Example: tinymce/ ?s_phrase=&s_rank=31 tinymce/ ?s_phrase=&s_rank=31
News - Linking between index and news page When user click on Slider or Latest news at index page, the website will link user to the news page, the news will be scrolled automatically to the top with the news Expanded.
Forums Register: Please make the forum registration same as register of Lucky9 page. Which means when user register at Lucky9, he can use the same login info to login the forum. Not sure if this 2 plugins helps? wordpress-to-vbulletin/ Also see this page, they are actually making the following 2 page to have the same login Please install vBulletin in the website Forum login: Please make the forum login same as the login of Lucky9 page
Lucky 9 Register: Please make the forum registration same as register of forum. Which means when user register at forum, he can use the same login info to login the Lucky9. Admin is able to create the form at backend. This form is already fixed. Each group has 3 games, each game has 3 option for member to select. After member submit the form, the answer will be submitted to backend, admin is able to check the submission at the backend. Also, admin is able to select the date to check the history of the submission. And admin is able to create the form in advanced, admin can schedule and choose when to publish the form, so the new form will replace the old form automatically. Login: Please make the login same as the forum login Admin can create the title. Admin can create team vs team and select which team is the home court. Admin is able to create the option name title for each Group. Admin can add the Last participation date
TV Schedule This table is already fixed, we have 5 columns(#, Match, Date/Time, League, Channel) Admin can create the table at the backend. Admin is able to create Match and select which team is home team(home icon). So you just need to create a function which to allow admin to update this table using html editor(Our admin doesn’t know about code, so make sure admin can use Visual function to manage the table). But please help to create a template for us.
Registration – Basic Information This is registration page, please make the forum registration same as register of Lucky9 page. Which means when user register at Lucky9, he can use the same login info to login the forum. Not sure if this page helps? Also see this page, they are actually making the following 2 page to have the same login Please make all the field compulsory. We need to have form verification function when user fill up the form wrongly.
Registration – Check Availability When user register as member, he is able to click the Check Availability button and the result will be a light box pop up.
Registration – Other Information We need user to fill up all these field(in yellow box), after user become our member, admin is able to check their Others Information together with their Basic Information(previous slide) at the backed Member page. Is admin able to export all members information to a excel csv file? Please make all the field compulsory. We need to have form verification function when user fill up the form wrongly.
Registration – Terms & Rules When user click on “terms and rules”, a pop up light box will be showing the details. Please fix the width and the height of the pop up box to 700x630. If the content is too long please make sure there will be a scrollbar to scroll up and down.
Live Score We will be using 3 rd party live score to integrate to our website. so please create a function at the backend so that we can insert the code.
Advertisement We have 4 types of banner ads run across the website. 1.Leaderboard(728x90) - Run across all pages except login and registration page 2.Vertical Banner(120x240) - Run across all pages except login and registration page 3.Full Banner(468x60) - Run across all pages except login and registration page 4.Square pop up(250x250) – Only runs in news article when EXPANDED We need a function which allow admin to upload the banner ads for example Leaderboard to all pages or choose to upload to a certain page(same for Vertical Banner, Full Banner and Square pop up). So we are thinking to use this plugin, not sure if you can install for us? If this ad can solve our problems, just let me know I will purchase it.
Other Function we want to have: Security Ninja - ninja/577696?s_phrase=wordpress%20security&s_rank=1http://codecanyon.net/item/security- ninja/577696?s_phrase=wordpress%20security&s_rank=1 Is this plugins works the same as Security Ninja? Hide the admin area, no more /wp-admin Backup system, admin can schedule the backup time, all the database, html, image, media, css….everything will be backup automatically. Banner Ads manger -