Group Behavior
DO NOW: In your science notebook, describe what’s happening in the video. List at least 2 reasons why the birds would behave like this.
Agenda Do Now (5 min) Where’s Waldo? (5 min) Interactive Mini-Lecture ( min) Active Practice True/False Strips (15 min) CER exit slip (25 min) Objective: Using a rubric, students will use evidence and reasoning to support the claim that group behavior increases the likelihood of survival and reproduction for the individual and the species. Standard: HS-LS2-8. Evaluate the evidence for the role of group behavior on individual and species’ chances to survive and reproduce.
Objective By the end of the class, you will be able to name 6 different types of group behaviors and how each one helps an animal or species survive.
Where’s Waldo?
Why is it harder to find Waldo?
How about now?
TPS When is it harder to find Waldo? What if someone came with a paintball gun and only had one paintball, what are the chances that he will be hit when he is in a big group? What are his chances of being hit by one paintball when he is with only four other people?
Question of the Day How does group behavior affect chances of survival for the individual and the entire species?
CLAIM Group Behavior enhances the chances of survival for the individual and for the entire species. What is the purpose of surviving? Every organism’s goal in life is to reproduce and pass on its genes. In order to reproduce an organism must survive.
J-TPS: List some advantages or disadvantages: is it better to be a loner (alone) or to be a part of a group? OR
Solitary Animals or Loners Solitary animals are animals that live on their own. They hunt by themselves They only interact with other animals to mate or to compete for food and resources.
Groups Animals or organisms that live, travel, and work together are in social groups.
Advantages of large social groups Protection from predators or the environment Easier to find a mate Large groups can find food together and share it
J-TPS Emperor Penguins What behavior are the penguins exhibiting? What are the advantages of their behavior? How can this behavior increase their survival as a species?
Types of Group behavior Flocking Schooling Herds
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Evidence: 1. Flocking A group of birds or animals that move together Reasoning Safety in numbers, easier foraging (finding food), protection from predators
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Reasoning Safety in numbers, easier foraging (finding food), protection from predators
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Evidence: 2. Migrating seasonal movement of animals from one place to another, often long-distance
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Reasoning In birds, the V-formation uses energy more efficiently and they help each other navigate; birds are more likely to arrive at their destination, survive, and reproduce.
Quick check! Name two group behaviors (evidence) that birds engage in and explain how (reasoning) these behaviors help them to survive in nature… EvidenceReasoning
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Evidence: 3. Schooling A group of fish swimming together Reasoning Schooling allows fish to swim longer, travel through colder temperatures, and avoid predators
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Evidence: 4. Herding hoofed animals group together, eat and travel together Reasoning A herd provides protection from predators because while one animal has its head down for feeding, another will have its head up looking for predators. With more eyes looking for predators, it is more likely they will survive an attack.
Video on Group Behavior When watching the video, think about the group behavior of the lions and the water buffalos (If you have already seen this, don’t tell anyone what happens!!!) – – Start video at 40 second mark and use settings to adjust speed to 2x
Justify-Think-Pair-Share 1.Describe the group behavior of the lions. 2.Describe the group behavior of the water buffalos. 3.Describe the outcome of the group behavior of the water buffalo. 4.Does this normally happen in nature? Justify your answer
Quick check! Name two new group behaviors (evidence) that animals engage in and explain how (reasoning) these behaviors help them to survive in nature… EvidenceReasoning
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Evidence: 5. Swarming A group of bees will move together as a single unit Reasoning Swarming is how bees create a new colony. Bees work together to reproduce, make and store honey, and defend the colony
Claim: Being part of a group increases your chance of survival Evidence: 6. Hunting A group of animals will search for food together Reasoning By using strategy, the group can take down a much larger prey The group can confuse the prey, so it runs into another hunter The group can protect the kill from scavengers
Quick check! Name two new group behaviors (evidence) that animals engage in and explain how (reasoning) these behaviors help them to survive in nature… EvidenceReasoning
JTPS: For Each behavior How would it help the individual survive? How does being in a group help you survive or help you get through something? – Protection, support, – Using claim, evidence, reasoning: how can being part of this help you survive? Describe why you think these behaviors would help the group/species survive?
Claim-Evidence-Reasoning ASSESSMENT USE 3 PIECES OF EVIDENCE (schooling, migrating/flocking, herds, ….THAT WE HAVE TALKED ABOUT TODAY TO SUPPORT THE CLAIM that group behavior enhances the chances of survival