Media Planning
Challenge to Planners Right PeopleRight Message Right Time Aperture Right Contact Point
Media Planning Process 1. Who should receive our media? (Target Audience) 2. Where do they live / where to advertise? (Geography) 3. What media are they in contact with? (Media Mix) 4. When do we start & stop advertising? (Scheduling) 5. How many targets do we want to reach? (Reach) 6. How often should we repeat ads? (Frequency) 7. How much do we spend on advertising? (Budget)
Geographic Spending National Approach –Spend in all markets Spot Approach –Spend in select markets Combined –Spend in all + additional in select markets
Scheduling Continuity Flighting Pulsing Influenced by: –Seasonality –Product purchase cycle –Interval between decision & purchase/action
Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand A Brand B Brand C $1000,000 $500,000 $200,000$900,000$2,600,000 (SOV) Radio Media Mix Spending & SOV $900,000 % of spending by one brand in a given media category relative to the total spending by all brands that are advertising in that category.
Basic Concepts Impressions / Gross impressions / GRPs GRP = GI/Universe * 100 EX: Assume there are 85 million TV homes: Prog. Rating # HH #insertions GI’s (M) GRPs A20 2 B15 4 C25 4
Basic Concepts Reach unduplicated audience –Example in book Frequency GRP / Reach –Example in book
Optimizing Reach & Frequency Reach –New product –Wide market –Awareness of new product / features –Reminder for masses’ brand –Simple messages/products Frequency –New product –Smaller market –Complex messages / products –Announcements –Trial / attitude change –Daily use products –Build SOV in competitive market
CPP / CPM Calculating Media Efficiency –CPM Cost to generate 1000 impressions = Cost of Ad UnitX 1000 Gross program impressions –CPP Cost to reach 1% of target audience = Cost of Ad Unit Program Rating
CPM - Example (Television) Capital TalkJawab Deh Cost of 30s 10,00020,000 Rating Total TV HH = 1,000,000 CPM = A: 10,000/200,000 * 1000 = Rs. 50 B: 20,000/300,000 * 1000 = Rs. 66 So Capital Talk is more cost-efficient
Basic Rules of Media Planning 1.Optimize Reach & Frequency (effectiveness) 2.Minimize CPM (efficiency) 3. Avoid Waste 4. Stay Within the Budget