UNDERAGE DRINKING Causes, Conditions, and Community Solutions Nigel Wrangham Taryn Mack
IT’s NOT THE SAME WORLD WE GREW UP IN… Teens drink to get drunk Faster More Teens mix alcohol with harder drugs Date rape and sexual assault have increased by over 100 per cent since 1970’s
Girls are now drinking as much as boys Specific beverages are aimed at you Alcohol is cheaper than ever THINGS ARE DIFFERENT TODAY TEMP
WHAT DO WE KNOW? Earlier age of onset = higher lifelong risk
Youth Aren’t Immune to Influences Youth Behavior School Parent Leaders Policy Peers Media Church
We can make change in two ways:
What do things cost? How available are they? Who has money? ECONOMIC CONDITIONS
What do people think and believe? What is considered okay? What’s normal? SOCIAL CONDITIONS
What are advertising messages? What is promoted? What is normalized through media? MEDIA CONDITIONS
Who has power? Who enforces the rules? Are the laws applied strictly and fairly? POLITICAL CONDITIONS
Individual Environmental About choices About knowledge About someone’s behavior One-time deal CHANGES A PERSON About CONDITIONS Economic Social Media Political Changes the world around us
An effective project has both an IMPACT and an OUTCOME: The initial results and impressions – short term The overall change in attitude and behavior – long term
SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS Use relevant, current data Address underlying conditions Involve key stakeholders Increase capacity by fostering collaboration Utilize best practices