Adults use gender to…. Form Impressions Interpret Behavior Socially Constructed
Biological differences between males and females=sex
Characteristics of Males Characteristics of Females
Gender Roles….
All cultures define roles differently…
Big Boys don’t cry!
The lipstick effect Stereotype Threat
Gender Identify…. Your personal, private sense of gender (male, female, both, neither) Women cry more than men Women smile more than men Men curse more than women Women are more likely to talk about their personal lives Holding a cigarette- women hold it up/men hold it down
When is Gender Identity Formed? - Lawrence Kohlberg Some people have a sense of being male/female and label themselves as such (2-3 years old). For others it takes longer to realize their gender identities, especially if they are transgender or gender nonconforming. Gender identity can remain constant for one’s whole life or can change over time.
This addresses when but not “how” children learn about gender….Gender-Schema theory Gender-Schema theory: Children decide if objects, activities or behaviors are “male” or “female” and then decide whether they should act accordingly.
Many cultural variations… ● Mundugumor (New Guinea) both genders are “fierce”, “aggressive” (male?) ● Tanbiouli (Egypt) roles are reversed. ● Mohave (Native American) 4 genders: A woman A woman who acts like a man A man A man who acts like a woman
Androgynous= Both male and female aspects
TransgenderIntersex Describes anyone whose gender identity does not align with the gender they were assigned at birth Having unrecognized genitalia or both male and female genitalia Gender non-binary Umbrella term describing anyone whose gender identity is not “male” or “female” but is either neither, both, or fluctuating between the two
Gender and the price of happiness… Advertising, Image and Self-esteem
Killing Us Softly Advertising’s Image of Women