Continuing Professional Development Gill Bailey Management Trainer
Learning Outcomes Develop an understanding of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Outline systems and processes for implementing CPD Build on current CPD practice Overcome barriers to implementing CPD
Continuing Professional Development An ongoing, planned, learning and development process that: enables all your workers to expand and fulfil their potential contributes to their work-based and personal development can be applied or assessed against competences for the worker’s role and organisational performance
Continuing Professional Development Includes any activity that workers are doing on a day to day basis which increases knowledge, experience and understanding and improves performance ensures continuing confidence and competence, particularly as roles develop or change or people develop their careers. Skills for care/cwdc/Continuing Professional Development for the social care workforce
Continuing Professional Development Covers the whole of a worker’s career from recruitment, selection and induction onwards including relevant voluntary and part- time work Induction & statutory qualifications Work based learning Qualifications required Post registration training Formal learning to recognised awards Knowledge & skills sets Informal learning Reflection on work experiences
Benefits of CPD Employer investment on CPD will impact on the quality of the service, the individual worker and the organisation Contribute to recruitment & retention Enable workers to meet quality standards Take account of a multi skilled and multi cultural workforce Develop a learning culture Enable cost effect & quality learning Meet registration & GSSC standards Manage change
Barriers to CPD Lack of funding/resources Inadequate staffing levels and high turnover Fear and lack of confidence in learning Lack of time due to workloads Employees gain awards and leave Lack of flexible local learning provision, tailored to workplace needs Lack of IT resources and skills Lack of effective evaluation of learning
Joint responsibility for CPD GSCC Code of Practice for Employers states: Social care employers must provide training and development opportunities to enable social care workers to strengthen and develop their skills and knowledge Individuals to continue to develop their skills and knowledge through a range of learning and development activities
CPD Implementation Skills for Care CPD Framework to identify current and further development Develop a Person Profile for each worker Personal development plan
Current Arrangements How effective are your current arrangements? Skills Matrix Team Meetings Observation Informal 1:1 reviews Evaluation of monthly & annual reports Appraisal & supervision Performance information Audit checks
Link Training & Development to the Business Plan What are the business goals and objectives? Goals – vision Objectives – stepping stones SMART What learning & development do you need to carry out to meet these goals? Maintenance – to support the business Strategic – Plans short & long terms Personal development – where are you now?
Performance Gaps Review performance to identify gaps between what individuals can do and what the organisation needs them to do Job Gap Job descriptions & role Feedback Gap Praise and planned improvement Resource Gap People, time, equipment Commitment Gap Lack of commitment Competence Gap Skills & knowledge
YOUR ROLE What the company expects from you What you expect from yourself What others expect from you
Management Development Key management tasks 1. Job descriptions 2. Selecting staff 3. Setting objectives 4. Allocating work 5. Giving feedback 6. Building staff relationships 7. Minimising conflict Counselling Developing your staff Developing yourself Developing your management team Mentoring Leading meetings Participating in meetings
Is not as easy to practise as it sounds. It Implies: A clear idea of ultimate priorities & directions A knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses A willingness to regard the present as an investment for the future Charles Handy Self development
A plan for development Know your own strengths & weaknesses Assess where you are now Decide what is important to you Make use of your strengths to overcome weaknesses Look for opportunities Be bold in taking the opportunities when they come
Strengths and weaknesses Your own Team members Family Position Managers Organisation
SWOT analysis StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats You need to: capitalise on Strengths mitigate Weaknesses & convert into strengths take advantage of Opportunities convert Threats into opportunities
Strengths 1. Highly focused to provide quality customer care. 2. Consultative ‘total solution’ approach marks us as different to competitors 3. Business partners have strong reputation within the market 4. Have respected market expertise at higher management level Weaknesses 1. Company has little market presence or brand awareness 2. Have a small staff base with a shallow skill base in some areas 3. Vulnerable to vital staff being sick, leaving etc. 4. Cash flow is unreliable due to nature of contracts Opportunities 1. Business maintenance sector is growing 2. A competitor is reducing scale of operation 3. Adopting new sales/helpdesk management technology providing quicker response & better customer base details Threats 1. Developments in technology may change market leaving us with lack of expertise 2. Change in focus of a competitor may remove large scale service opportunities 3. 80% of business is tied to 1 business partner 4. Market overall depressed with slow expansion forecast Example SWOT for small services business
Where do you want to go? “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don't much care where,” said Alice. “Then it doesn't much matter which way you go,” said the Cat. Lewis Carroll – Alice in Wonderland
Making the most of opportunities What opportunities have you had for self development, in terms of: Learning opportunities Delegation opportunities Reorganisation opportunities New position opportunities Other opportunities
Have an experience ( Activist ) Plan next steps (Pragmatist) Conclude from experience (Theorist) Review experience (Reflector) LEARNING STYLES
Organisations Training & Development Business Goal Department or team Development Area Training Activity Resource required Measure of success Review date
Summary Build a CPD culture Identify requirements of job roles Assess skills in relation to the job role Ensure feedback on performance and use it constructively Identify relevant development needs Recognise alternative learning styles Encourage ownership of self development
Next stages Performance Review Personal Development Planning Action from PDP Training & Development Planning Skills Matrix Recruitment Planning
Action Plan What are you going to take away from this session and put into place for your organisation yourself
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go and do what that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman
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