Newport-Mesa USD Adult School A Professional Learning Community We share to impart, impact, improve and empower. Mission ~ Our Adult Ed Matters blog
Objective 1: WHY Objective: Define and describe a PLC as a site-based PD model Learner Outcome: Understand what a PLC is and how it can impact site-based professional development
Objective 2: How Objective: Provide an example of a PLC in action at Newport-Mesa USD Adult School Learner Outcome: Learn how one adult school wrote its professional growth plan to build its PLC, integrating key components such as a blog, peer mentors, onsite trainings, and PLC teams.
Objective 3: WITH WHAT Objective: Tour our Adult Education Matters blogAdult Education Matters Learner Outcome: Gain a treasure trove of ideas and how-to resources from the blog
Most Important Objective Ignite the fire for collaborative learning Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. William Butler Yeats
Words of Vision Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world. Paulo Freire
Words of Vision Education becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world. Paulo Freire
Conserve to Preserve Hilton Family of Brands is committed to conserving our natural resources. Every day, tons of detergent and millions of gallons of water are used to wash towels which have only been used once. Here’s how we can help: A towel on the rack means “I’ll use it again.” A towel on the floor means “Please exchange.”
Conserve to Preserve NMUSD Adult School is committed to conserving our natural resources. Every day, tons of paper and ink are used to create memos / handouts that are read once and discarded. Here’s how we can help:
Preserving and Learning Together CCAE Presentation Martha’s HandoutHandout Martha Rankin Newport-Mesa Unified School District
Attributes of a PLC Shared Values and Vision (Isaacson& Bambur, 1992) Supportive and Shared Leadership (Prestine, 1993) Supportive Conditions (Boyd, 1992; Louis & Kruse, 1995) Collective Creativity (Sergiovanni, 1994) Shared Personal Practice (Louse & Kruse, 1995)
Shared Values and Vision NMUSD PD Survey ~ May, 2007 What one suggestion do you have that will help improve teacher learning?
NMUSD PD Survey Results More staff development and technology training More in-services on technology in the classroom More online pro development
NMUSD PD Survey Results Share lessons and Web sites on specific strategies in specific skills Short strategic workshops or online courses
NMUSD PD Survey Results Collaboration, observation of other teachers’ strategies, just dialogue Encourage teachers to take advantage of professional opportunities Provide more opportunities to collaborate
NMUSD PD Survey Results We do this, but others would benefit by time together to bounce ideas and reflect among peers: e.g., at lunch, especially after class. (This isn’t really practical for night staff.)
NMUSD PD Survey Results More collaboration time between all adult education teachers to exchange ideas, teaching strategies, assessment models, and classroom management
NMUSD PD Survey Results Better communication between staff members as a whole group. Perhaps staff information meetings with AM and PM staff together Share experiences
2007 NMUSD Staff Development Survey Peer coaching More staff development by levels More time to meet with other faculty More training in specific areas
2007 NMUSD Staff Development Survey I would encourage more staff meetings where we could address a topic collectively. I feel that this can improve our teaching. Create professional learning communities.
Shared Vision / Leadership Professional Growth Plan Train staff to use available technology to support and enhance learning Create and sustain a professional learning community to improve learning for all
Attributes of a PLC in action…