Factors affecting the adoption of e-assessment in School of Engineering by Z.G.Baleni Continuous Professional Development Unit CLTD, WSU 1/4/20161
Introduction E assessment part of WSU e learning strategy Objective 3 & 4 in particular –Capacitate academic staff on e learning ( Professional Development) –Student participation in e learning 1/4/20162
Cont…. Much effort goes into developing the technology for an efficient and easy to use electronic assessment system, BUT Successful implementation depends as much, or even more, on understanding campus culture and using appropriate change strategies 1/4/20163
What’s e assessment? E-assessment - electronic assessment i.e. processes involving the implementation of Information ICT for the recording, transmission, presentation and processing of assessment material Types – Quizzes, discussion forums, group-work, e portfolio etc. Used for formative & summative assessment 1/4/20164
Adoption of e assessment system Two theories used to explore adoption of an e-assessment system, – Rogers’(2003) Diffusion of Innovations and – Eckel and Kezar’s (2003) Mobile Model for Transformational Change 1/4/20165
Roger’s Theory 5 attributes explain 49–87% of the variance in the rate of adoption of innovations: relative advantage, compatibility, trialability, observability and complexity. 1/4/20166
Cont…. Relative advantage - degree to which an innovation is viewed as better than the idea it supersedes. Compatibility - degree to which the innovation is seen ‘as consistent with the existing values, past experiences and needs of potential adopters ’ 1/4/20167
Cont.. Complexity- degree to which an innovation is viewed as difficult to understand and use Trialability -degree to which an innovation can be experimented with on a limited basis. Observability - degree to which results of an innovation can be seen by potential adopters 1/4/20168
Eckel and Kezar’s Mobile Model for Transformational Change 5 core strategies that explain change across the institutions: senior administrative support (show value, provide resources and add new administrative structures); collaborative leadership; flexible vision (clear and desirable picture of the future that does not foreclose opportunities); 1/4/20169
Cont…. staff development ; and visible actions. 1/4/201610
PURPOSE This study was conducted to identify the factors that would enhance adoption of e-assessment systems and foster sustainment on university campuses. 1/4/201611
Approach Population SoE trained leaders Questionnaire e mailed Out of 35, 12 responded SPSS used to analyse data 1/4/201612
FINDINGS 1/4/201613
Relative advantage 14
Has e-assessment affected your students’ performance? YesNot SureNo 55%20%25% 1/4/ ResponsePercentage Improved their performance 26% Able to understand some concepts better 29% Early days 20%
Cont… 1/4/201616
Cont…… 1/4/201617
Cont… 1/4/201618
Compatibility 1/4/201619
Trialability 1/4/201620
Observability 1/4/201621
Complexity 1/4/201622
Lack of support from top management FrequencyPercent yes433.3 no866.7 Total /4/201623
Current state of computers in our offices is not good FrequencyPercent yes650.0 no650.0 Total /4/201624
Staff Development Were you trained in e-assessment? Frequency Percent Yes No Total /4/201625
Conclusion CLTD on track with its e learning strategy Staff development impacting on staff E assessment - Very useful for Formative assessment Bull & Danson (2004) say it is not a panacea for rising student numbers and marking overload though if used appropriately, it can clearly relieve some of these pressures. If used formatively to provide detailed and timely feedback, it can support and enhance student learning in ways which are not possible with paper-based assessments. 1/4/201626
Recommendations Integrate e - assessment into WSU assessment policies and practices 1/4/ CLTD to promote it, incentivise its use Improve WiseUp technology Lecturers made aware of this feature More computers and internet access More training to both students and staff Networking being reliable Obtain word recognition software to assist in essay marking To make sure that is always reliable
THANK YOU !! 1/4/201628