Security Protective Force Brook Haven, NY DOE CONFERENCE Human Performance & Safety Observations Achieve Results
The Idaho National Laboratory at a Glance The Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory is an 890 square mile site, centrally located in southeast Idaho.
Past and current projects Abrams tank armor Experimental Breeder Reactor-1 (EBR-1) Deep space battery technology Alternative Fueled Vehicles Super Hard Steel Coating Robotics Bioenergy Next Generation Reactor Medical Isotopes
Idaho National Laboratory Protective Force The primary mission of the INL Protective Force is to provide a well trained and qualified force to protect special nuclear material, personnel, information, the environment, and government property from theft, diversion, sabotage, and malicious acts that could impact national security or the health and safety of employees and the public.
Human Performance Improvement VPP continuous improvement Human Performance Definition –Proactively reducing human error rates and the consequences of human error that result in occurrences.
Our view of Human Performance HPI Reviews HPI Education HPI Integration HPI Consultation HPI Ownership HPI Collaborators/ certification program
5 Principles of Human Performance 1.Humans are fallible, and even the best make errors. 2.Error-likely situations are predictable, manageable, and preventable. 3.Individual behavior is influenced by organizational processes and values. 4.People achieve high levels of performance based largely on the encouragement and reinforcement received from leaders, peers, and subordinates. 5.Events can be avoided by understanding the reasons errors occur and applying the lessons learned from past events.
Why a Human Performance Approach? 94% Human Error 30% Individual 6% Equipment Failures Human Errors Occurrences 70% Latent Organization Weaknesses
Definition of an Error An action that unintentionally departs from an expected behavior
Human Performance Improvement We all make errors per hour Most have negligible consequences Focus on Error Likely Situations during the CRITICAL STEPS in a process
Anatomy of an Event Event Error Precursors Vision, Beliefs, & Values Latent Organizational Weaknesses Mission Goals Policies Processes Programs Flawed Defenses Vision, Beliefs, & Values Initiating Action
Blame Cycle Human Error Less communication Management less aware of jobsite conditions Reduced trustLatent organizational weaknesses persist Individual counseled and/or disciplined More flawed defenses & error precursors Source: Reason, Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents, pp
Safety Observations Achieve Results How SOAR was introduced to the Protective Force –Employee owned –Taught and coached by peers –Tailored to fit the Protective Force needs –Observations were utilized as a tool to implement HPI
How did we achieve success? Create a reason for the student to learn Teach with quality Allow the student try what they have learned Help the student add value to what they have learned
1.For your safety… 2.For the rewards 3.Company endorsed Why do a SOAR observation? 4.Shows DOE… 5.Reassures our future 6.Actively Care
What is the Safety Observation Process? Open Communication and Positive Reinforcement A proactive approach to identify safe and at-risk behaviors Behaviors are systematically identified through observation Observers provide immediate feedback Reinforce the safe behavior Discourage the at-risk behavior 5:1
Exercise 2
No one Purposely and deliberately sets out to have an injury So Why Do They? The Rule
Current Status Challenges Immediate Recognition Time and $$$ –Reasonable –Allowable and Unallowable Data Tracking/ SOAR Database Issue Resolution Culture change
Current Status Successes 20,000+ Observations in less than a year 75% participation 150+ Latent Conditions Discovered 72 Latent Conditions Corrected HPI Survey Pro- Notes Website Open Communication and Positive Reinforcement…
SOAR vs. TRCR Observation Total: 23,000 Current TRCR:.60
Testimonials Meet Boyd Pack Meet Bob Burnham My own example…