Writing Conclusions Each part should be 1 (maybe 2) sentences
Claim FA statement that sums the important point learned from the experiment. FThe Hypothesis as a statement and not a question (if correct) FA statement that sums the important point learned from the experiment. FThe Hypothesis as a statement and not a question (if correct)
Evidence FData from the lab that supports the claim FUse specific numbers with units FQualitative observations FData from the lab that supports the claim FUse specific numbers with units FQualitative observations
Reasoning FMust explicitly tie the claim and the evidence FShould describe the scientific principles (Look in your notes or textbook) FMay describe part of the procedure FMust explicitly tie the claim and the evidence FShould describe the scientific principles (Look in your notes or textbook) FMay describe part of the procedure
Errors FState how two or more ways the data could be inaccurate FMay be measuring errors (Be specific) FMay be something that should have been tested or was tested incorrectly. FState how two or more ways the data could be inaccurate FMay be measuring errors (Be specific) FMay be something that should have been tested or was tested incorrectly.
Tallest Tower Lab How do you make the tallest tower out of 3 sheets of paper?
Claim: Creating a wide base and a thinner tower creates the tallest tower.
Evidence: Our tower was the tallest tower, 2.5m and had a wide base and narrow tower. Smaller towers (<1m) with narrow bases fell down.
Reasoning: “If the center of gravity of an object is above the area of support, the object will remain upright.” Page 205 in Conceptual Physics Textbook. The wider the area of support, the easier it is to balance the object. “If the center of gravity of an object is above the area of support, the object will remain upright.” Page 205 in Conceptual Physics Textbook. The wider the area of support, the easier it is to balance the object.
Errors: 1.We measured the tower with 3 meters sticks. Measuring is difficult when the object is taller than the measuring device. 2.We didn’t personally measure the width of other towers. 1.We measured the tower with 3 meters sticks. Measuring is difficult when the object is taller than the measuring device. 2.We didn’t personally measure the width of other towers.