The Morris School District’s mission is to serve the needs of all students, to accommodate equity, to provide a challenging education and innovative academic programs.
All schools in the Morris School District have a population of gifted students who demonstrate high levels of intellectual capacity in general knowledge and skills, or in content-specific areas as compared to their peers. The district believes that gifted students should be presented with opportunities and experiences that enable them to expand their talents.
Above Average Ability General ability consists of the capacity to process information, to integrate experiences that result in appropriate and adaptive responses in new situations, and the capacity to engage in abstract thinking. Specific abilities consist of the capacity to acquire knowledge, skill, or the ability to perform in one or more activities of a specialized kind and within a restricted range. Specific Ability
Task Commitment can be consistently found in creative-productive persons; a refined or focused form of motivation. Common Terms include:
Originality of thinking and fresh approaches to architectural problems Constructive ingenuity Ability to set aside established conventions and procedures when appropriate A flair for devising effective and original fulfillments of the major demands of architecture, technology, visual form, planning, and human awareness and social purpose “Creative thinking involves imagining familiar things in a new light, digging below the surface to find previously undetected patterns, and finding connections among unrelated phenomena. Roger von Oech, Expect the Unexpected
Naglieri Writing Sample Reading Response NJASK4 Science Behavioral Checklists Performance Task Duckworth’s Grit Scale (self assessment) Behavioral checklists Performance Task SAGE Test for Creativity Behavioral checklists Performance Task IDENTIFICATION PROCESS
of fourth and fifth grade students will be evaluated using Multiple Measures The topof the students will qualify to take the SAGES 2 The topof the students tested qualify for a performance task to be conducted by the district Quest Teachers Finally acceptance letters will be issued to the qualifying students
students are screened in the initial phase 2. The top 25 % (100 students) are invited to take the SAGES 2 Test 3. The top 30 % (30 students) are invited to participate in the performance task. 4. Qualifying students are offered admission into the Quest Program. 5. GOAL: Reach the top 5-7 % of the total student population. EXAMPLE
GRADE 2-5 SCHOOL WIDE ENRICHMENT Morris School District Quest program includes School Wide Enrichment for grades 2-5. Enrichment course offerings are designed to enable the development of all our students based upon their varied interests. The process is aimed towards increasing student awareness of personal strengths and recognition of varied pathways to success. The courses are based upon Renzulli’s Triad Enrichment Model. Students self select a course of interest from those offered. Enrichment courses add to the core curriculum and are designed to target multiple intelligences and provide new opportunities to enhance the creative problem solving and critical thinking skills of our students.
All students complete a Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire (Self-assessment) Quest teachers meet students in small groups and use guided activities designed to capitalize on students’ Multiple Intelligences. 1 ST AND 3 RD GRADE QUEST EXPERIENCES
EXAMPLE of one to use with 3 rd graders. Students identified as Visual/Spatial learners could meet with Quest teacher to create original straight line designs using a process-based exploration.
Once identified, 4 th grade Quest students will engage in learning the Design Process with a dual approach. Students will first be LED through discussion and spontaneous problem solving activities in order to understand the framework for the Design Process.
Students transition from being led to a GUIDED INSTRUCTION to prepare them for independent work in Grade 5. Identified students will be divided into groups based on an online M.I. Inventory. Groups choose among the different MI challenges. These interest aligned groups follow the design loop process to create an authentic product.
September and October: Students engage in guided problem solving. Returning students mentor newly identified students identified for Quest. November through May : Students merge their interests and passions to independently, create an authentic product using the steps of the design process. Quest teacher facilitates, confers, and reinforces the process. June : Students present projects.
Additionally, Quest teachers provide professional resources, guidance and support to enable teachers to facilitate differentiated Type I and Type II activities in their general classrooms for all students. Teachers consult directly with Quest teachers throughout the school year, as needed, to plan additional enrichment activities in their classrooms or to consult regarding individual students.
The Morris School District Quest program is committed to : TEACHING CHILDREN TO BE SUCCESSFUL
Caine’s Arcade Caine's Arcade