Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Other Justice & Governance Agencies Part 1 Crime, Justice & Security Statistics Produced in Collaboration between World Bank Institute and the Development Data Group (DECDG)
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. General Overview We now move on to talk about all other agencies of justice and governance that have not been previously covered This is because many developing countries have set up other agencies to deal with justice and governance. Such agencies cover such topics as law reform, young persons issues, immigration, anti-corruption, elections and registration. It is important for all such agencies to Produce and publish statistics Follow the same statistical principles and classifications as those already covered in previous Modules In particular the common rules set out in Module 1 need to be studied 2
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Structure of Module Not all aspects of this Module will be needed by all countries. The following topics are covered: 1.Agencies for young people 2.Agencies for Law reform 3.Anti-corruption agencies 4.Election Agencies 5.Registration Agencies 6.Immigration Agencies 3
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. General principles for all justice and governance agencies Good statistics are essential for efficient running and for public accountability. The raw data for statistics will be the registers maintained by the different agencies. Statistics should be published in annual reports and collected volumes by the Central Statistical Office. Classifications should be the same as those by all other agencies (age, sex, geography, offence). Agencies should co-operate with each other in their statistical systems and sit on a central committee chaired by the CSO. 4
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. General principles - Use of IT Good IT will enhance statistics that can be collected and analyzed However, statistics development should not wait on good IT Statistics collections, as described in this lesson can be carried out with existing technology, using manual returns PCs, with WORD, EXCEL, Internet explorer and OUTLOOK are perfectly adequate for most justice and governance statistics at present. 5
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. General principles - IT training IT training for statistics should consist of basic understanding of EXCEL, ACCESS and WORD, rather than more complex packages such as SPSS The first priority is to record basic registers on EXCEL Training is then needed in the use of the Internet Finally ACCESS could be used for new collection instruments 6
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Agencies for Young people – general Many developing countries recognize that children’s needs are different and have set up agencies to deal with vulnerable children: eg orphans, those who suffer from AIDS, those who have committed offences. These agencies often come under a separate ministry and are heavily dependent on donors’ grants. The process of management of these agencies usually consists of the maintenance of local and national registers to ensure that needs are known and grants and services are properly delivered. Some times these registers are on paper, but in many cases they are being placed on computers. 7
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Young People Statistics needs There is a need to produce statistics to ensure effective running of these services for children. Such statistics would be of the following types: 1.Total number of children in need of services and changes over the period 2.Total provided with services during the year 3.A return would be needed for each type of service provided: eg health treatment, imprisonment in case of offending, accommodation, education, adoption. 4.Such data would be needed on a local and regional basis. An example is given on the next slide. 8
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Data collection form Office…. Year….. Young people imprisoned for offences Number of children at start of year Number added during year Number who left during year Number at end of year Theft Assault Sexual offences Accomplices to adults in crime Criminal damage 9
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. UNODC publication on Statistics for Young People Details of collecting statistics on the crime situation of young people are very complex and cannot be covered in the space available here. However, there is a very useful publication, issued by UNODC: The document is called the UNODC/UNICEF Manual for the measurement of juvenile justice indicators and can be downloaded free from _ebook.pdfhttp:// _ebook.pdf It includes all that is needed for setting up a young person’s justice statistical system, including data collection instruments and suggestions for the use of EXCEL spreadsheets to make collection easier. 10
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Agencies for Law reform – general Agencies for law reform exist in many countries. These are often concerned with such issues as: 1.Improving legal structures to ensure effective investigation and prosecution of crime and treatment of offenders 2.Enhancing resources for justice, including better training for law enforcement staff 3.Ensuring more speedy conclusion of criminal trials 4.Improving access to legal advice for offenders 5.Ensuring better value for money in the justice system 6.Ensuring new technology is used effectively to improve justice delivery Each country will set its own priorities for law reform and will usually set out a programme of changes that they wish to make over a set period, often the next 5 years. 11
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Law reform Statistics Statistics are needed for Law reform agencies. These will have several purposes: 1.To set a base-line for what work is needed 2.To measure the effectiveness of the work of the law reform agency in delivering change 3.To press for more resources to complete their work 4.To enable comparisons with other countries, both neighbouring and more widely, as to how far the justice system divergences from internationally accepted norms. 5.To engage public discussion about the needs for continuing legal reform 12
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Statistics needed for legal reform 1. Base line studiesa.Surveys of general population’s experience b.Surveys of numbers of staff employed c.Surveys of workload of police and courts. 2. Measuring effectiveness Repeat of base-line study to show progress/change over period. 3. Pressing for more resources Matching progress over previous period to future changes desired over the next period would enable resource estimates to be made. 4. International comparisons Of specific indicators: Police/100,000; prison population rate; waiting time before trial; deaths in prison; prison overcrowding; average sentence length. 5. Public discussionsAnnual publication of specific indicators in an annual report of legal reform actions. 13
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Anti-corruption agencies Many developing countries have set up anti-corruption agencies. Such agencies have various purposes, each of which needs statistics to show what needs to be done to: 1.Highlight the level of corruption 2.Show how corruption varies by sector 3.Reduce the level of corruption 4.Ensure those committing corruption offences are properly prosecuted in the courts 5.Educate and train the public and officials in ways of reducing corruption. 14
Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Statistics for anti-corruption Purpose of AgencyStatistics needed Highlight level of corruptiona.Public surveys of experience of corruption b.Existing information such as from TI. Show how corruption varies by sector Public surveys of customers of various sectors (Health, Justice, Transport) Reduce level of corruptionPublic knowledge of anti-corruption policies Ensure prosecution of corrupt officials and businessmen Percentage of cases discovered that are prosecuted within a given period Educate and train the public, officials and businessmen 1.Number of people attending education and other events 2.Change in public behaviour as a result 15